Fave Motorcycling Films/Scenes

11 Jul 2009
Whats your fave films/tv series with motorcycles in them?,can be anything

ill pick a less known film Restless Natives:D


"the clown and the wolfman" would love a legal clown helmet like that aswell
Way back in 1980 I saw this god awful 70's Aussie biker exploitation movie called Stone, now the movie revolved around an undercover cop who infiltrated an Aussie biker gang who rode Kwack Z1a's, now it just so happened that at the time my older brothers best mate rode an all original Kwack Z1a, which I used to see every damn day parked outside our house, needless to say that god awful movie "spoke" to me a lot more than it should have done thanks to that gorgeous Orange Z1a of my brothers best mate.

All ways wanted a Z1a, never got round to owning one, which is probably for the best tbh as I probably couldn't put up with the lousy brakes, tyres, suspension, frame, etc...
were they z1's in mad max? I liked those bikes aswell

also liked the scene in Robocop when the first guy in my sig fills up at the gas station,not sure what that bike is though?
were they z1's in mad max? I liked those bikes aswell

also liked the scene in Robocop when the first guy in my sig fills up at the gas station,not sure what that bike is though?

Yes they were & Yam XJ650Turbo, that scene in Robocop allways made me wince cos he really slams into that car big time, it must've hurt.
Silver Dream Racer from 1980. I haven't seen it in decades, and considering it starred David Essex it was probably crap, but as a young lad into bikes, it was good.
ElliorR said:
Silver Dream Racer from 1980. I haven't seen it in decades, and considering it starred David Essex it was probably crap, but as a young lad into bikes, it was good.

I was at donington when they were filming that in 1979 lol

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
I remember that film,silver dream machine I think it was called or the song to it

there's a great ducati chase scene in fled (1996)

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Most other films are crap Harley Davison or some other Cruiser cack.

The scene with Cruise riding along, parallel with the runway while an F14 takes off still sends shivers down the spine for me.
GPZ900R wasn't it?
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