Fave Motorcycling Films/Scenes

Documentary wise, I watched this last night:-


It's a 'must see'. That is all.
I don't really have a favourite bike film, as such...
My favourite film does feature bikes, but they're not a main part.

You may have to be in the right mood, but these can be amusing if you switch off and expect cheesy comedic crap:

- Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man
- Torque
- Freebird

I'm about to watch Fixing The Shadow (aka Beyond The Law/Made Of Steel), as recommended by a biker friend of mine.

Sons Of Anarchy is good, albeit somewhat dramatised.
First thing that came to mind was hobo with a shotgun. I think they were assasins. They dragged a metal coffin behind the bikes on a chain and used it for transporting people.
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