Fave movie that you just HAVE to watch

theDave said:
im kind of noticing people r picking their fav films rather than picking ones they watch everytime its on tv :/

Flight of the Navigator, it i always on at christmas and I always watch it :D
^ Good choice. Always been a favourite of mine. Max trying to communicate with the cow always cracks me up.

I'm always on the look out for the old war films like The Dirty Dozen (ITV4 9pm) and The Longest Day although I haven't got one particular film I could say I would watch above all others.
Not my favourite but it sure is crazy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I can't stop laughing all the way through it. It really is something different. Stars Johnny Depp
I can't watch Saving Private Ryan. Apart from the beginning and parts of the end it's just one long snooze fest. None of the charecters stand out for me, the plot is jumbled at best and it all feels far too stylised for the sake of 'Realism'

*Exit SPR Bashing mode*

Vin Diesel is good in it tho :p

One film I can watch over and over again is Full Metal Jacket. I always watch it for the start but 40mins later I'm hooked again.

Others include

City of God
Lord of War
The Constant Gardener
There are a few films that I will always try and watch if I know they are on and I'm near a TV but since that doesn't happen often I'll say that I can quite happily watch "The Replacements" any number of times, I know it isn't a great film by any stretch of the imagination, it stars Keanu Reeves for a start and the man can't act for toffee but it is massively entertaining.
Equilibrium, ending scenes in that movie are just amazing I love it.

Matrix, the first one ofc!

Any LOTR, and you cant forget Face Off.
Toy Soldiers (Sean Astin & Louis Gossett Jr)

Midnight Sting (aka Diggstown in USA) (James Woods & Bruce Dern)

The Dream Team (Michael Keaton & Christopher Lloyd)

3 fantastic films not many people have seen. Ever person i've shown these films too think they are great, especially the last two.
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