Favorite Cigarette

8 Mar 2005
Now I'm not here to debate why smoking is bad and why I should stop but i'm sure many on this board are smokers. I myself only have one or two a day as I don't really have the time or money nor do I want to smoke 20 a day.

Anyway does anyone have a preference to what Cigarette they like to smoke.

Personally I'm a Lucky Strike fan. Not everyone enjoys them but they do grow on you. Shame they are a pain to get where I live.
Lucky Strike Silvers are great. Good old Luckies.

As you say, difficult to get here. Marlboro Lights are my next choice - or Gold as they're known now.
Silk **** purple for me. Bit girly maybe, but they're not quite so heavy on the throat and lungs.

I'll only buy them in 10's - 20's make me smoke em quicker. :o
Lucky Strike Reds or Marlboro Reds if smoking straights.

Drum Blue with Silver Rizla if smoking rollies.

Just quit smoking though (3/4 days without now, it's all going well), so won't be touching those ever again.
Golden V, swan super slims and Rizla silver and a petrol lighter so it burns your throat sparking up :D = smoking heaven

alternatively Luckies Red/Marlboro Gold
I see luckies are getting more popular nowadays. Did anyone see the special edition packs they were doing a while ago where they opened up like a wallet.

In terms of a ban, I think the smoking age should deffinatly be raised to 18

Edit: Did anyone ever smoke the Benson cigar editions. They tasted like coffee.
Lambert & Butler or Regal, I smoked Malboro Lights for a a couple of months last year though.
Gilly said:
Yeuch. Might as well smoke JPS.


Superdude said:
I see luckies are getting more popular nowadays. Did anyone see the special edition packs they were doing a while ago where they opened up like a wallet.

They still sell them in certain places. Had a pack in Ireland that did that last week.
Big fan of Camel Blue (Camel Lights) myself if smokeing pre-mades. Currently smokeing Samson rolling backie which is ....diffrent.
Camel, Marlboro & Winston used to be my weapon of choice, mainly because I could nick them off my old man. Then when I turned gay I went to Marlboro lights:)
Malboro Lights i used to smoke Regal but Oli complained so much about the smell that i changed brand :( although ive not smoked for 3 weeks now...i'll be smoking again when i manage to get out the house after this kidney infection clears up.
Borris, you reminded me about this.

Marlboro Lights were my weapon of choice when I was a regular smoker but nothing beats a Dunhill International IMO.
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