Favorite Cigarette

Malboro Reds/Blend 28's for me... Lights seems to taste too harsh.
and Gilly, they are no way near as nasty as JPS :D Those made me almost retch!

Going to try and give up with the ban though...only on 5-7 a day though
AlexBell said:
Going to try and give up with the ban though...only on 5-7 a day though

Aye same here. There's a few of us from my local who are doing it, so the competition should help. I'll miss it though because I adore smoking.
Fave brand for me here is B&H Gold, cant really stand any of the other including marlies.

But the only other brand i will smoke other than B&H are Du Maurier Cigs from Canada, they are quite nice...very smooth and not as harsh as B&H but i still enjoy them even though they are lighter. Just a shame you cant get them here but i always bring back about 500 when im coming back from Canada. If anything its those dreaded cigs that stop me from quitting lol.

One thing ive always wondered is why the hell do people smoke Silk Cuts???, FFS you might as well breathe air :p
Spawn said:
One thing ive always wondered is why the hell do people smoke Silk Cuts???, FFS you might as well breathe air :p

Hahahaha so true. I bought a pack of the purple ones once. Had to smoke the entire pack to get the hit I get from one Marlboro Red.
Meh your all a buch of fags anyway. Real men do Snus!

[soon to be featured, the resized, rehosted snus picture!]

Edit: My that picture is terrifiying.... :eek:
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Carzy said:
Hahahaha so true. I bought a pack of the purple ones once. Had to smoke the entire pack to get the hit I get from one Marlboro Red.

Hehe i just take some cellophane tape and wrap it around the butt end et voila it turns into a B&H cig :D :p But usually thats the only time you will see me refuse a cig :p
Can't beat a Dunhill International Menthol - used to be a regular cancer stick smoker but moved over to menthol years ago and never looked back. Plus the bonus of them being menthol means none of my mates ask me for a cig anymore
Alty said:
Can't beat a Dunhill International Menthol - used to be a regular cancer stick smoker but moved over to menthol years ago and never looked back.

You do realise they're still bad for you right?
I used to smoke Regal King Size :)

I hated B&H , tasted awful but not as bad as a pack of cheapy dorchester ones I bought once when I was skint .. URGH !! .. They were that bad I had 2/3 and then chucked the rest of the pack away :/
Spawn said:
Fave brand for me here is B&H Gold, cant really stand any of the other including marlies.

But the only other brand i will smoke other than B&H are Du Maurier Cigs from Canada, they are quite nice...very smooth and not as harsh as B&H but i still enjoy them even though they are lighter. Just a shame you cant get them here but i always bring back about 500 when im coming back from Canada. If anything its those dreaded cigs that stop me from quitting lol.

One thing ive always wondered is why the hell do people smoke Silk Cuts???, FFS you might as well breathe air :p

Are you more of a social smoker?

I've been doing 35-40 a day of Silk Cut Purples for twenty five years plus now and they give me exactly what I need when I want them - a fix. Each to their own of that front eh.
Was mainly a Lambert & Butler (silver) smoker but I have to say Marlboro Lights used to be my favourites. Actually, the only thing I miss about smoking is Marboro Lights. Anyone ever try Gitane cigarettes (from France I think)? They were big white things that blew the back of your thoat out when you inhaled, kinda like cigars do.
Regal kings most of the time, much like Merin I buy them in 10's as I find I smoke much more quickly when I have 20 sitting there.

I got the taste for Lucky Strike when I was skiing in Andorra and brought a fair few back, they were nice but too much of a pain to get ahold of round here.
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