Favour please - to the members of ocuk

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
When posting indie developed games, Please put ( INDIE ) in the thread title so it makes it easier to search and place in the INDIE database at top of section.

Thanks Kindly :cool:
Not a huge fan of Indie games - sure we have had a handful of absolute classics out there, but they are surrounded by a lot of rubbish.

Still, enjoy your database Neil :p
Takes me back to my retro days of little developers making great games!

Think about it, Grimrock developed by an Indie developer takes me back to my youth of eye of the beholder yet has far more interest to me than say the latest Ass creed from Ubisoft. Or those adventure titles which take me back to the monkey islands or kings quests, I can get as much enjoyment out of one indie title as most of those expensive £40 rip offs. However I don't enjoy every indie title I play but someone else might, so I post it as long as it's not dreadful because there are a lot of them.
Not a huge fan of Indie games - sure we have had a handful of absolute classics out there, but they are surrounded by a lot of rubbish.

How does that differ from the AAA market?

Why is it that you love indie games so much?

Indie games are invariably more creative and therefore usually more interesting. Without publishers/shareholders looking to minimise risk, the developer is free to make any game that he or she chooses. Since the indie scene exploded a couple of years ago I've bought way more indies compared to commercial games, and my gaming experience has been all the richer for it.
Generally I find that there is a lot more creativity and originality in indie titles. Sure there's some crap out there but that is also true of commercial titles.
Take for example this Huw

CaptainRAVE said he's not a huge fan of indie games yet...

SPAZ which was an Indie game

Heh, well, to be fair he did concede that there are some good indie games out there although I'll wager he greatly underestimates the scene. ;)

I don't really like SPAZ myself but it is a great example of how far the indie scene has come in recent years. Devs can work wonders with their code these days - I'm guessing the emergence of tools such as Unity must be a great help - and the difference between indie and commercial games from a production values point of view is getting smaller all the time.

Conversely, take a look at something like AI War: Fleet Command. I'm no graphics whore but damn! The presentation is so shocking, or at least was when it was first announced, that I almost disregarded it (to my eternal shame). When I actually did try it out I realised that it was one of the best RTS games I've ever played. Tals and I killed many an hour playing it co-op. :)

I'll take AI War over, say, Supreme Commander any day.
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