Favourite Helmet design?

My favorites Schumacher's Mercedes one

I painted this all myself apart from the lacquer, not bad for a first attempt if i do say so myself.

Im ready for the new season heh!

Haha, I really like that :) ^ ^

Over the years I think that the most striking helmet and one that you didn't want to see in your rear view mirrors would have to be Senna's with the yellow contrasting the Red/White of Mclaren.

Of the other designs I like the simplicty of Damon's as has been mentioned above and Rossi's are always a laugh :)
I don't know if you guys are interested in actually painting helmets but i thought id throw these ones up. My friend races Radicals and wanted his open face instructing helmet painted similar to his full face helmet. I didnt have the same colours so i had to modify it a bit, its only my 3rd one ive attempted so its a bit ropy but i can post more if anyone interested.




Ive always liked the simple designs.




Simple and you know who they are.
The fancy designs are all well and good close up, but not too good viewing from a distance.
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