Favourite Muse album

29 Jul 2004
My favourite album is probably Origins of Symmetry or Absolution. They both have absolutely amazing songs on there but Absolution would probably be a bit better. Due to Hysteria, Stockholm Syndrome, Apocalypse Please, Time Is Running Out, Butterflies and Hurricanes and finally The Small Print

Showbiz is a quality album aswell but the only 3 stand out track are Showbiz, Muscle Museum and Sunburn.

Black Holes and Revelations is a great album but i dont know why people dont like it asmuch. Every song on there is great apart from Soldiers Poem.

So what are yours?


ps Just bought the Absolution Box set, is quality. Now just need to find the Showbiz one and Origins one
Orgin because it was just before Matt Bellamy promptly disappeared up his own arse. When songs weren't overblown and pompus.
Zefan said:
I love them all equally. It'd be like picking a favourite child.

parents lie when they say that they dont have a favourite! :D

i was most interested in your opinion anyway! seeing as you are a huge muse fan
Hmm, well I love the old sound (i.e showbiz) as it appeals to my teenage angst years (come on well all had them), but the newer album/s are just totally huge. By that I mean epic, as in they just demand your attention. There's something strangely brilliant about it, I don't think anyone can deny how great Knights of Cydonia is at projecting the presence of the band, especially live.

I understand what people mean when they say Bellamy has gone up his own arse, but in my opinion the change in the music and the pomposity of it all is actually to be expected. The band's popularity increased in a ridiculous fashion after OOS so their next album had to be something special. By that I mean the band knew this, so they will have put more effort in. This is most likely why it sounds a bit pretentious and over polished in parts compared with OOS+Showbiz. I look past the "oh man they went political :( " side of it and love the music for what it is, just music.

For me it's almost certainly Hullabaloo, simply because they are so stupidly awesome live. They're even better live now, but there's no dvd/album. If they brought out a new live album/tour dvd like Hullabaloo it would without a doubt be my favourite.
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Same - I'd say Absolution but OoS/BHaR are very good as well. I've not listened to Hoodoo or Hulabaloo enough to properly appreciate them yet though.
I honestly couldn't pick one, i've probably heard Origin of Symmetry the most due to the fact that the CD has been in my car for months and I don't listen to the radio.

Like Zefan though, love them all equally, perhaps Showbiz to a slightly lesser degree as I don't give it quite as much airtime as the others!

I agree that Hullabaloo was awesome - highlight being Dom in the Slipknot mask on the dvd! Have the Absolution dvd too, its obvious that not as much time or thought went into it as Hullabaloo though... hope their next dvd is good!
I also find it quite hard to pick just one but I do really love OOS and Absoultion.

I find that the last album on CD can be mediocre at points, but when you hear it live its a whole different ball-game! To me that album was written to be played live and the energy conveyed when played live is unbeilable (hearing Knights live reminded me so much of Citizen erased in how epic it was) but the same can be said about the other ablums too...
Black Holes and Revelations is a great album but i dont know why people dont like it asmuch. Every song on there is great apart from Soldiers Poem. [/QUOTE said:
Just what I was going to say. Starlight and Super massive Blackholes are 2 of the best songs ever!! :D :D :D
OoS by a long way. Very very good album.

Absolution fell at the end with terrible songs such as Endlessly (Even Zefan will admit that song is very sub par) and BHAR turns me off with its cliched boring political rantings.
Floatingdolphin said:
Just what I was going to say. Starlight and Super massive Blackholes are 2 of the best songs ever!!
Absolution by a mile. I disagree that it falls at the end. Endlessly isn't the best of songs but as far as album fillers goes, it is acceptable. Every other song is superb except Falling Away With You. It wasn't just the first Muse album I loved but the first album by any artist that I loved.

BH&R was one of the most disappointing albums ever for me. Most of it is ok but the only really great songs are Supermassive Black Hole and Map of the Problematique. Even Knights of Cydonia while very good, isn't the epic that it could have been. I only ever listen to a few songs from it now whereas I can listen to Absolution all the way through

OoS really falls away in the second half but the first half contains some of their best songs like Bliss, Citizen Erased, Plug in Baby and New Born

I have never got into Showbiz. Need to listen to it a bit more I guess
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