Favourite PC game(s) of the last 10 years?

17 Jan 2017
recently come back to PC gaming so missed a lot in the last 7 years, whats been your favourite game(s)? Doesnt have to be 'Old'

Mass effect trilogy
Witcher trilogy
Dark Souls trilogy
bioshock trilogy
Pillars of eternity

These are all on my radar as I can have them for cheap
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Some not listed:

Titanfall 2
Total War Series (depending on your preferred timeline)
Ori and the Blind Forest
Divinity: Original Sin
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster - Original released early 2000 and its probably my most played game as I've replayed it soooooo many times, and then they re released it for PS3 (Bought it) PS4 (Bought that as well) and thankfully PC with additional features the consoles didn't get (Definitely bought it and already played through it 3 times)

Skyrim - Played the nuts off it when I had it on 360, even better on PC
Payday 2
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  • FTL (brilliantly simple facade with deep mechanics)
  • Half-Life 2 (mind blowingly this is nigh on 13 years old but it would be criminal not to include it)
  • Doom
  • Fallout 4
  • Witches 3
  • Dragons Age : Inquisition
  • Skulls of the shogun (great little turn based game. Loved it)
  • Oddworld : Abes Odyssey Remastered (because nostalgia)
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy
Battlefield Bad Comapny 2

Strange choices to some people, but these are mine

(Sorry I just read your post in full after I posted this)
Great lists, so many good games to play - some of these I have actually played - I was able to play games but not fully go into them, so lots remained unfinished etc
I'm sure there's something I've forgotten but off the top of my head:

Europa Universalis IV (this is my number one by a huge margin)
Witcher 3
Watch Dogs 2
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth/Afterbirth
Enter the Gungeon
Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator
Divinity: Original Sin
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Diablo 3
Left 4 Dead 2
Portal 1 & 2
The Talos Principle
Wolfenstein - The New Order & Old Blood
Fallout 4
Just Cause 3
Serious Sam 3 - BFE
Batman - Arkham Asylum & City
I too had a large gap in gaming although mine was closer to 15 years. I've going back and trying to play the 'classics' but the game that really stood out for me, aside for Black Mesa and Half Life 2 was F.E.A.R. That game was so good, amazing shooter and terrifying at times also.

Other games not mentioned that were also fantastic are Alien Isolation, SOMA and The Evil Within.
I too had a large gap in gaming although mine was closer to 15 years. I've going back and trying to play the 'classics' but the game that really stood out for me, aside for Black Mesa and Half Life 2 was F.E.A.R. That game was so good, amazing shooter and terrifying at times also.

Other games not mentioned that were also fantastic are Alien Isolation, SOMA and The Evil Within.

oh yeah fear. Played all of them in 3D on a cheap projector. Really great..

never played soma or evil within. Alien isolation is getting played in my Rift as soon as my goddamn new PSU turns up (if I can take it that is ;))

I've just built a scrapheap PC with quad core Xeon for about 150 quid & slapped a 1070 in it
why this? I've heard a few people saying its good, and its good in VR right?
I don't have VR so can't say how well implemented it is.

It's on my favourites list is because I find it relaxing and it makes good use of my wheel & pedals, graphics are pretty decent and sometimes I just like zoning out or exploring routes.
The multiplayer mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2 adds a bit of a social element to it as well.
haha never seen Volgarr before.

Why Dead Rising? I played it ages ago on a 360 & never really got into it. You think its still worth a squirt?

I loved Volgarr. It wouldn't be for everyone though - it's seriously hard, and you need to be happy with a platformer that you have to keep playing and dying until you figure out the layout and method to each level. I used to play a lot of those sort of games in my C64 and SNES days, so it's a nice throwback.

Dead Rising was just amazing. Again, it's a tough game but I loved everything about it. Will go back to it on PC when it crops up in a Steam sale.
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