FCC Moves To Kill Net Neutrality — Now What?

I forget which state it was, maybe Montana, has passed net neutrality bills for the state so now the ISPs aren't allowed to charge different amounts for different content. They also released the bill in full for other states to simply copy and put forward if they want to. I believe New York State maybe it was started the process on making net neutrality law at state level also and I think several other states are getting the ball rolling on it.

Not exactly like the paris climate accord but still states seem to be rejecting some of the BS Trump's white house is doing and just blocking it at state level.
Ofcom Begin New Review of UK Net Neutrality Rules Post Brexit UPDATE


The national telecoms and media regulator, Ofcom, has today started a review of their existing Net Neutrality rules, which were designed to ensure no serious blocking or slowing of access to legal websites or internet services by broadband ISPs and mobile operators. But such protections may soon change.

I don't like the sound of this.
Ofcom Begin New Review of UK Net Neutrality Rules Post Brexit UPDATE


I don't like the sound of this.

The problem with the Internet is people can get the information that informs their opinions from where ever they like, and that's not good for social engineering, Covid has proven that, comrade.

Why are we so desperate to become the US?

I've no idea. After all schools has prom nights and limos these days.

The most hilarious part is the Brits insult American's culture to no end yet we always copy them.
People will find ways around it, they always find a way.

A few people will, like some on these boards. Joe Bloggs will just roll with whatever this is and complain and moan about it.

Like continuing to endure adverts and cookie spam when there are very easy ways to circumvent them, and has been for years.
A few people will, like some on these boards. Joe Bloggs will just roll with whatever this is and complain and moan about it.

Like continuing to endure adverts and cookie spam when there are very easy ways to circumvent them, and has been for years.
yea like 70% of the population are sheep for sure maybe even higher.

our whole world view is warped.

the monarchy is seen as some prestigious thing when in reality it's just a mafia family who wasted the countries resources fighting wars
I've no idea. After all schools has prom nights and limos these days.

The most hilarious part is the Brits insult American's culture to no end yet we always copy them.

30 years ago it was only Dads who would have taken their kids to footie practice (or just dropped them off), theses days its wall to wall women blathering to each other in very much a Soccer Mom's stylee they've seen on the telly. A prom or a baby shower were unheard of only about 20 years ago, now its absolutely in the mainstream in the UK. Chlorinated chicken and bog standard mass produced food in general is on the way next. Although not in the majority, words like diaper and sidewalk and grocery store are creeping in and will probably be the most frequent in another 20 years.

At some point (20 years ago?) the majority of TV aimed at the younger generation went from being made in the UK to being imported from the US as it was cheaper - and what's happening now is a direct consequence of that. In the last 10 years kids only seem to watch youtube and thats 99% gormless sounding americans feigning shock at mundane things. God knows where its headed.

I remember Huey from the fun loving criminals in the 90's saying what's happening in London now happened in New York 10 years ago and he got roundly booed like he was just being an arrogant yank, he was absolutely bob-on.
You only have to look at Meghan Markle to understand the toxic nature of imported American culture.

Just as soon as she has a grip on the purse strings and the soapbox she spends £3 Million of tax payers money on refurbishing the cottage in the Windsor grounds, the public had a bit of a moan but let that go.

Then she makes a very politicised speech about how we should all stop travelling and eating red meat because its bad for the climate, the Royal Family deliberately stay out of politics because there is always more than one side to it and they can't be seen to take any side, Meghan Markle was warned about this but she did it anyway and complained about the Royal Family not using their soapbox for political influence.
The public got quite a lot more concerned about an extremely wealthy over privileged person laying out her education upon us... but also let that go.

Weeks later she was hopping between multiple luxury island resorts in a Private Jet, the public didn't let that hypocrisy go and immediately she played the victim by blaming the criticism she got for it on racism, she played the "its because i'm black" card, which to look at her most people didn't even know.

She was incredibly rude to palace staff treating them like 'servants'
Its been said by some of those staff that her idea of becoming a princess was like that of a 6 year old girl.

There is a lot of toxic #### coming out of America, like the idea that white people are racist by virtue of their skin colour, which to any intelligent person is about as racist and fascist as it gets.
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The refurbishment of the cottage was to restore a historical building and make it suitable for future use (IIRC it had been cottages, turned into something else and was being turned back into habitable buildings) and the cost included such minor things as getting modern power out to it - IIRC they had to put in a mini substation because the old powerlines were nowhere near up to the job for modern use*, and structural works.
Much of the rest of the cost was in using period correct workmanship and materials to retain the appearance.

It's odd how old buildings, especially ones that may be covered under "listed" status cost a lot to refurb, mind you any building that needs to be brought to modern standards after years of disuse/neglect will cost a lot.

Also IIRC the money was already due to be spent on them, all that happened was that when Harry was going to be living there they moved the timescale for the refurbishment up in the schedule so it would be ready for them rather than finding them somewhere else to live and then doing the cottages.

I suspect the works done specifically for Harry and his wife would barely have made a dent into that 3 million (it was going to be painted/wallpapered/carpeted and a new kitchen put in, they basically would have chosen the colours and accessories), but it does go to show that a nice bit of newspaper led outrage trumps the facts.

*This is not uncommon at all, it's just that normally it doesn't make the headlines. Many buildings from just the 70's don't necessarily have incoming power cabling that is up to modern standards (IIRC the modern supply allows for higher current), and if it's a distance from the main incoming lines and substation a mini station is used because it's more reliable. IIRC it can easily cost a couple of hundred thousand just for that.
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