Fear demo on Marketplace

I said ages ago that FEAR would be a dumbed down poor looking PC port, I was right. I see FEAR in the same way I see FarCry Instincts, the latter maybe a totally different game but it looks totally crap and tbh you're better off playing both titles on the PC.

I've got the FEAR demo downloaded but won't even look at purchasing it, not even second hand.
Nismo said:
Ugh, awful.

Bar a few fancy effects, you would be forgiven for thinking this came out 3-4 years ago.

Just thinking, I wonder if they're doing the Prey trick and release a demo with far poorer textures (to save space) than the final version.

I remember a similar reaction to those textures yet the final game looked quite stunning.
smcshaw said:
Just thinking, I wonder if they're doing the Prey trick and release a demo with far poorer textures (to save space) than the final version.

I remember a similar reaction to those textures yet the final game looked quite stunning.

I played both the Prey demo and the full game, and cant say I noticed any difference between the textures on either? They were both as good (or bad) as each other.

This was very poor though, everything looked like it was lifted out of an old PC FPS.
The texture maps were a lesser quality, but the framerate didn't suffer, thats far better than high texture maps and a god-awful framerate, something the PC version really suffered from.

I'll rent this.
gave it a try last night, looked like deus ex set on the highest gfx :p

not a bad game (prefer itto prey as i just prefer being up against people rather than aliens or whatever), but i'm not sure whether i'll bother getting it.
jarvisjarvis said:
what does everyone think of eragon? i cant wait to play it tbh...

Funny, I mentioned this to a friend earlier.

My thoughts are that'll it be a cheap HD port of the PS2/XBox version. I've seen the screen shots and video and it doesn't look great.

That being said, I'm a rpg junkie and as long as it had a good story I'll probably still get it and enjoy it.

I mean, Enchanted Arms took a pounding at review and yet I still loved it.
Kainz said:
Played it last night and deleted it some 10mins into the demo. I just ended up with that 'been here, done that' thought as I played it.

I've read from a developer (I'll look for the link later) that the demo was based on an early build and the game looks and plays much better; he argued it looks better (albeit only slightly) from the PC version.

We'll have to wait and see but it's back on my radar.
If anyone is interested Eragon game is released on 17th Nov, I shall be makng a purchase! - i'm holding out hope for it but if you see it used on ebay in a few days, you'll know it was terrible :D
Am I the only one who liked this? If I remember right the texturs weren't great on the PC, but that might be my memory playing tricks.

I like it so much I'm not sure whether to get this or COD3 :eek:
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