Fed up with being let down!

VeNT said:
the group making it before valve stole it where doing a better job tbh
Before the original CS you mean? Because if so, no, they weren't.

They were doing a decent job for the few that they were (just the one guy doing all the main code I believe), but they couldn't really keep up with the demands of so many users playing it, and there were still plenty of bugs in all the betas of CS, prior to Valve snapping it up.

CS:S may have bugs, I'm not debating that as I don't play it, but don't play the "things were better in the old days" card when it's blatently not true. ;)
I don't buy into the hitboxes thing, everyone has the same 'handicap' so what is the issue?
kdd said:
I don't buy into the hitboxes thing, everyone has the same 'handicap' so what is the issue?
its not the handicap its that it happens at all!
when your sniping and your shots miss like this its annoying, when you are close up with your P90 spraying its not an issue as much as you're gonna hit more often anyway
georges said:
I played it on a GF2 on medium/full at 1024 with UT2003 at ~50 fps. (1.2 athlon :P)

They seem to get really good performance out of shocking stuff.

About the same specs as i saw UT2k3 ran on, but with a 600mhz P3. Was 'only' getting 35-40fps. Amazing really thinking about it.
Armadillo said:
POV bug and a defuse kit being dropped on the bomb prevents you from defusing are two.
I find it strange that nothing like that has ever happened to me on CSS. My pc doesnt seem to be affected by bugs, where as my friends pc 2x 7800's etc has loads of problems with games and my athlon xp crap machine has none.
guys there not bugs... there features... god get with the game lol ;)

yeah tbh im damn impressed with valve and other companies at least major bugs can be fixed these days, remeber before the net...
Scythe said:
I find it strange that nothing like that has ever happened to me on CSS. My pc doesnt seem to be affected by bugs, where as my friends pc 2x 7800's etc has loads of problems with games and my athlon xp crap machine has none.

POV being totally screwed has happened to you , happens to everyone. Valve won't fix it. It's what causes people to have a perfect view on you to shoot when they are behind a box , yet all that is exposed is the tip of their head , when really to have that view the upper half of their chest should be exposed.

It's why they screwed with the boxes on dust1 , rather than fix the problem they just streched some of the wooden boxes.
Well thats the thing u dont wanna get your hopes up with any release due "soon"

Really though id just go back to enjoying Battlefield2+ the new expansions due soon and we just got the new Ghost recon... fire both up and enjoy online I say !

If that dont take your fancy enjoy the 1000+ hours of fun u will have with Oblivion....

We got ET:quake wars and HL2 addon/Sin episodes/UT2007/brothers in arms/crysis and a slew of other good games due this year just enjoy the good games that are out now.
Armadillo said:
POV being totally screwed has happened to you , happens to everyone. Valve won't fix it. It's what causes people to have a perfect view on you to shoot when they are behind a box , yet all that is exposed is the tip of their head , when really to have that view the upper half of their chest should be exposed.

It's why they screwed with the boxes on dust1 , rather than fix the problem they just streched some of the wooden boxes.

that ****** me off so much, as it worked on other maps too
Nah, I'm just getting fed up of gaming generally. There doesn't seem to be anything new and originall in the market. Maybe I just can't find the games. But it all seems to be FPS with new graphics or civilization 6000 or again a variant of the same play type..

This is why i can't wait for spore, something new and hopfully exciting.

The Best games I have ever played are

C&C renegade
Star wars Galazies (first year before they killed it)

Guess what none had good graphics, but they did have extremly good game play, which just seems to be lacking in most games today.
Haly said:
I'd much rather they took their time, than release a hugely buggy game that they then have to keep releasing patch after patch

If only EA would do this... :p
AcidHell2 said:
Nah, I'm just getting fed up of gaming generally. There doesn't seem to be anything new and originall in the market. Maybe I just can't find the games. But it all seems to be FPS with new graphics or civilization 6000 or again a variant of the same play type..

This is why i can't wait for spore, something new and hopfully exciting.

The Best games I have ever played are

C&C renegade
Star wars Galazies (first year before they killed it)

Guess what none had good graphics, but they did have extremly good game play, which just seems to be lacking in most games today.

SWG was a contentless MMO, very poor example of a good MMORPG. However saying that people generally love their first MMO as they have nothing to compare it against.

Considering everything I have decreed you shall try the 14 day free trial of EVE!
Tommy B said:
UT2007... moved. PREY... moved. STALKER... moved. FAR CRY EXPANSION... moved.

So you'd prefer they release the games in a half-done state, full of bugs and unfinished features. That's certainly a fresh take on things.
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