Feek's broken arm thread (now with plate, pins and screws x-ray, staples/wound and tongue surgery)

That's some good news and some rough truths there. Sorry you're still having some crappy effects.

Good news that it healed better than expected though. Your daughter did well to crack a joke IMO, humour is the best way to deal with challenges :)
You should. You've made immense progress.
I might have one - I'm going to be up late this evening as I have something important to get done so a Navy Strength Plymouth might keep me company.
Your daughter did well to crack a joke IMO, humour is the best way to deal with challenges :)
There's no other way to deal with it. If I hadn't got something like that, I'd have been surprised.

That's some good news and some rough truths there
Yeah, I tried not to sugar coat things. Hey, you never know - Next year, we may be able to raise a glass somewhere together again :)
Hey Feek,

Life has much suckage for us both right now. Had a stroke 2 months ago, I'm 90-95% fine now, but it's the last bit... :(

When all this crap is over and socialising is possible again, have to meet up in London *especially if I can get some more comedy radio show tickets* and have a nice drippy, dirty burger again. :D
Glad to hear you've got more movement than you originally thought you would! :)

I'm going through a spell of rubbish health with a severe protruding disc and have been for the past 6 months, so I can sympathise and relate to how wearing it all is! I'm hoping to get a date for my surgery soon which will hopefully be before Xmas.

Stay strong buddy, seems like you're making steady progress! Do you have a physio/exercise regime to do for rehab?
I dislocated my arm at work on Saturday, thought I'd just banged it and it would only be a bruise. Tried to do some more work before realising I couldn't really move my arm and the pain was quickly getting far worse. A quick trip to A&E, some sedation and they popped it back in. Still sore but trying to move it about to ensure I still have full range of movement.
Stay strong buddy, seems like you're making steady progress! Do you have a physio/exercise regime to do for rehab?
Not now, no. I had some physio after the surgery and was given exercises to do which I did regularly for quite some time. I don't think the range of movement I have is going to get any greater now.
You look like a sexy bavarian barmaid/milkmaid...

quite turned on
Genuine and loud laugh when I read that :D

Quite the thread and journey. Feek, I love the last three lines of your post #200.
Thanks Mags, despite the rubbishness this year has been, I really do hope it'll improve a little bit.

One thing I didn't say which occurred to me this evening, I subconsciously use my left arm far more than my right for most things now. If I'm reaching out for anything, even just a glass or a mug off the shelf then it's always my left arm. If I notice, I swap but 90% of the time, I use the arm which doesn't hurt.
It's good to know that the fall detection feature of my watch kicked in and it wanted to call the emergency services but I stopped it.

That's pretty cool, I wish the android ecosystem had a device as good as the apple watch

Some passers by stopped to help and a few minutes later, a Police car stopped. They checked me over, got me in their car and brought me home.

Ah that's when you know you're getting old, mate. If they stand and laugh at you then you're young, if they rush over to help then you're not :)

Get well soon
I posted a big update a month or so ago here, have a shufti at that, save me retyping it :)

:eek: you're the real Santa. If you don't get better how will you give presents to everyone on Christmas day?

Dear Santa,

I hope you get better soon. You better be recovered fully in 3 days time otherwise nobody will get presents.

All the best and I wish you a speedy recovery.
It's time for an update because it's been exactly two years since this happened. Today is my shoulderversary.

My arm is slowly improving but I don't have full movement back and I'm never going to get it. It still hurts if I reach out in certain directions but it's better than it was. The cold and damp weather definitely affects it and so this time of year is always going to be uncomfortable. I still find myself using my left arm instead of my right arm to do normal day to day tasks and I suspect that's never going to change. In a lot of cases, I can reach out for something but it's the bringing my arm back in that hurts. I still have to take painkillers each night so I can be comfortable in bed. However, on the plus side, I can just about manage lavatorial duties with my right arm. So that's good.

Last year, I said this about my tongue following the surgery.
I'm always aware of my tongue, it's uncomfortable in my mouth and the best way I've found to describe it is as though there's a dull double edge razor blade resting on the surface of my tongue. It's been over three months since the surgery and it's not getting any better. That's not going to change, it's always going to be like that.

Another year further and it's not changed at all. It still feels like I have a dull razor blade sitting on my tongue all the time. My mouth gets dry very quickly and I can tell that sometimes it affects the way I talk. It's also changed the way I eat some food. Previously, I would pick up pizza and bite into the slices but I just can't do that now, it just feels horrible so I've turned into a knife and fork pizza eater.

Little things knock me back though. Last month, I was out with some friends in Birmingham and walking through the city centre, a kerb materialised in front of me and I just ended up windmilling across the road until finally I lost balance completely and faceplanted. This time I managed to go down on two outstretched arms and I was relatively unharmed. I had total upper body ache for a few days and my shoulder hurt so much that I went for an x-ray to get it checked out. Fortunately there was no additional damage. The consultant who looked at the x-ray went back to the original one from when I fell and told me that in all his time, he's not seen many sproximal humerus fractures that are worse than this.

Last year I said I wasn't going to 'celebrate' my shoulderversary but this year, I've decided that sod it, I'm still alive, why shouldn't I do something to remember it? This evening I will have a large Plymouth Navy Strength gin and some nice rich fruit cake. That's how traditions start, right?
Sorry to hear how much it's left permanent challenges. The tongue issue sounds awful, it's always a relief for me when mouth injuries go away!

This evening I will have a large Plymouth Navy Strength gin and some nice rich fruit cake. That's how traditions start, right?
I like this a lot :) I've never got along with traditional occasions like new year or Easter or annual guff. But I find myself remembering the exact date important things happened to me. Nicer to mark those in my own way than go along with a random list of national milestones. next week will be 10 years since I moved into this house, and while I've been wanting to move on for most of that, I left an abusive relationship/home so it's very important.
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