Feeling guilty over stupid things

18 Oct 2002
I drove up to the offy to get meself a 6-pack, and two girls, probably about 16/17, asked if I'd get them some booze. "No, sorry" I said, they pleaded again and again but I just refused. They weren't nasty about it though, and now I feel all mean and guilty because maybe I ruined there night :confused: I don't know why.. I did the right thing :mad: It just wouldn't feel right buying booze for young ladies.. :/

Anyway, I'm always feeling guilty for the stupidest things and I'm getting quite fedup TBH. It's the most annoying, nagging emotion. :mad:
You can now get locked up for that. You made the right choice.

I always got my brother to buy mine. Or I bought it myself and lied.
5 minutes after you left, i guarantee someone else bought it for them. No point feeling guilty, you just delayed the inevitable by a short period.
I'm sure that people did it for you when you were younger... Why not return the favour?! Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's necessarily immoral - they're going to get the drink anyway so why not just save them the wait?
the_brainaic said:
I'm sure that people did it for you when you were younger... Why not return the favour?! Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's necessarily immoral - they're going to get the drink anyway so why not just save them the wait?
Because you can get hit with a nasty fine for doing it?

And watch them run...
You did the right thing, i always get shocked when lil kids (12 years old or summit stupid) ask me to get them cigerettes, its always a straight no, because i dont want to help some kid kill himself!! But as it has been said above he will have had someone else buy them for him anyway. :(
Its like when little kids ask you for a light or to get them ciggies...

I just give them the look of disdain and 'erm... no'.

Although now I live in London I just try to avoid them as you will probably get knifed if you didn't do what they say.

Don't feel guilty about doing the right thing :)

BB x
I guess you could agree to do it, ask what they want, take their money and come out with six cans of Special Brew instead. Here you go lads, get that down your necks. I love being a **** :D
I was with a friend once when some girls came up to us and asked whether we could buy them cigerettes. I stayed silent and let my mate decide, and he said yes. So we went in, and whilst we were in the queue, I pointed at a packet of nicorettes, and suggested we buy them instead (as a joke), but we ended up buying them lol. :) We then asked for a bag, stuck the nicorettes in, and handed it to the girls, at which point I almost burst out laughing, and once we handed it over, we just legged it round the corner and lol'd. :p
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