Fell off my bike =/

6 Feb 2010
On the way to work this morning, pull out of my road.

There is a bus stop on the left he was indercation as parked and not moving, i position my self to go around, when im about 5 foot off of him he starts to pull out.

So i hit my brakes to avoid being hit or pushed out into the oncoming traffic. As it was wet the bike does down with me on it =/

I get off the ground. the bus has stopped but when it sees im up it just drives off =/

I have killer back pain and my thigh is torn up a little bit=/

What should i do?

Any chance of anything happening or any money to fix my bike ?

Only have thrid party fire and theft =/
check the time of the crash that will give you the bus that was at that stop at the time,
contact them, he should have stopped if he was the reason you crashed.
did you report the crash and tell police the bus just drove off?
Yeah rang up the bus company and they said they would look into it.

Then rang the police and now have to go in and complete a crash report =/

Just suck as my bike was perfect and now its messed up down one side!

But yeah i couldn't believe the bus driver stopped, saw i got up off the floor then just drove off again!!
But yeah i couldn't believe the bus driver stopped, saw i got up off the floor then just drove off again!!

As you didn't actually collide with the bus, he's probably totally unaware he may have caused an accident, & as you got up of the road, he probably just put it down to a motorcyclist taking a bit of a spill in the wet.
That was quick :(

Hope youre ok, buses always do that round here, i just stay in my lane just getting over as much as i can while staying safe and they usually spot me and stop by the time theyre in my lane.
i did i was right over then went to give a bit more room just as i went past and he pulled out =/

But yeah i am okay, just a little bit bruised and will be a bit more careful now i think!
I fell off too, high five!

Na in all seriousness i don't even know how I came off yesterday, slipped on air or something :p ... was on my way to work past brands hatch and just slipped on something and slid a few meters. not the funnest thing in the world.
Everyone bins one of their bikes at some point dude, it's all a learning curve. I binned mine after about a month as well, pulled the front brake after something ran out on me as I was entering a corner.

How much damage has it suffered? Just do the repairs yourself if you're able to, it'll help you understand your bike more, and give you some more confidence to self service the bike and what not in the future.

You can just use this as a learning experience. Hope you're doing ok though, and that you can get your bike repaired soon.
there is like no damage as it was about 5-10mph fall.

Just a little mark on front fairing then a scrape on the end of the handle bar and front brake leaver but thats it
Do you have a jacket with back brace/armor? well worth getting - my brother has a couple of spills where its saved him from serious injury.
I'm not actually sure that the bus driver was at fault here? If you are behind them, under all circumstances they have right of way on the road, especially if they are indicating to pull out. You were travelling at sufficient speed that you were unable to react to the change of circumstances (e.g. a person walked out from behind the bus, oncoming traffic) and road conditions and as such you fell off.

You were behind (regardless of how far on the other side of the road you were to start your overtake), therefore he has right of way. It sucks, but them the laws of the road when talking about buses.
A mate of mine was pulling out of a driveway. He stopped at the kerbside but a biker riding towards him panicked and fell off his bike.

The biker said he "thought" my mate was going to pull out so hit the brakes and fell off.

Can you guess who's insurance paid out?

It's a mad mad world we live in.

So chances are the bus will be held to blame. Plus they've got cameras nowadays that also shows whether he was indicating or not.
I'm not actually sure that the bus driver was at fault here? If you are behind them, under all circumstances they have right of way on the road, especially if they are indicating to pull out. You were travelling at sufficient speed that you were unable to react to the change of circumstances (e.g. a person walked out from behind the bus, oncoming traffic) and road conditions and as such you fell off.

You were behind (regardless of how far on the other side of the road you were to start your overtake), therefore he has right of way. It sucks, but them the laws of the road when talking about buses.


You dont "indicate" to pull out.

You "indicate" to show you want to pull out. Indicating doesn't give you right of way.

A moving vehicle has right of way over a stationary one.

The bus pulled into the path of a moving vehicle without giving way
So what do you guys think i should do?

Get in contact with my insure about it all?

or ring up the bus company again to talk about making a claim for my damaged bike?

You dont "indicate" to pull out.

You "indicate" to show you want to pull out. Indicating doesn't give you right of way.

A moving vehicle has right of way over a stationary one.

The bus pulled into the path of a moving vehicle without giving way

This is not true in the case of buses. They are expected to have priority, with other traffic I agree with you.

The highway code is a bit wordy with it, however (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Highwaycode/DG_069858):

Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road.
And i was like 3 feet away when he just pulled out how is that safe??

Can't believe that it would be classed as my fault

Regardless of this, you had to perform an emergency stop and due to the road conditions you were unable to safely slow your vehicle down. Does that not imply some level of ownership on your part?
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