Female graduates freezing eggs over a lack of educated men

23 Apr 2014
To high expectations I'd say... A common thing in today's society - I have it too, but then I don't want a family!
If they can't find a man now, who's to say they will later? As shallow as it is looks aye going to fade, most will have had families already.

I think these women are trying to get around the natural fertility cycle (which is fine) but the root problem isn't going to be solved. If there's no educated men now, there isn't going to be in 10 years time

It's only going to get worse as more and more women are graduating than men.

but to complain it's due to a lack of men? nope.

educated men*

Out of my group of 7 close friends only 1 graduated and he's about middle of the pack earnings wise as far as I know. Surely you'd think they'd be more focused on what it is you do for a living and your earnings rather than if you held a degree?
23 Apr 2014
Is tough! But in early stages is pretty easy to not reveal how much you earn. Don't always pay for meals and activities, don't go to really expensive places etc

Considering most people advertise or talk about what they do for a living early on then you're going to have some gauge on their earnings or earning potential. The fact is once you're successful financially it's impossible to know whether someone is dating you for your wealth, in fact it would be easier to assume your wealth plays a role in it.
23 Apr 2014
So true. I used to be acquaintances with the son of a 'very large auto glazing company'. The guy was a douche. Complete douche. However from 17 he was driving a brand new 911 and as a result had any amount of women. On a night out I once asked one whom I'd assumed previously to be a reasonably intelligent lady what the hell she was doing with him and her response was 'well he offered to take me out for a drive and I just found he was a really nice guy'. He wasn't. He was a bell of the highest order as any of his ex's would attest to.
Every time it was always 'I don't even know why I was with him, he wasn't smart or funny or even nice'.

I know love...

To be fair no one at that age should be looking to settle down so it's not surprising they go for someone who is able to offer them a better experience or at least an experience they'll perceive to be better, I mean roles reversed would you rather be getting picked up by a guy in his mums micra or the super confident, wild party boy in a 911 that is technically his although his Dad paid for it. Of course he's going to treat them like turd when he realises all they care about is money and materials and he can have a new one just like a new car in the drop of a hat.
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