Festival Advice

31 Dec 2003
First time i'll be spending the entire weekend at a festival soon (Kendal Calling) so i'm basically just looking for some advice on what to take. How many changes of clothes etc? There from Friday - Sunday

Already got the tent sorted for me and the missus.
Take Wellies, rain proof clothing, 4 changes of clothes, loo roll, make sure you keep all valubles on you (camera's, monies, wallet, phones e.t.c). Take lots of water, some food, a first aid kit always comes in handy and every one forgets to take a pillow!

Erm, the rest escapes me

Edit: oh yea, keep an eye out on the weather predictions. Sunny weather - you sweating a lot, which means more clothes, rain means more clothes, normal overcast mild days means less clothes.

Take a torch and batteries, camera batteries, take a lighter, if you can get a travel pots and pans kit then that's good too, as you can have soups e.t.c

And yes before any one says, I am a fussy festival goer ;) :P
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hilly said:
Take Wellies, rain proof clothing, 4 changes of clothes, loo roll, make sure you keep all valubles on you (camera's, monies, wallet, phones e.t.c). Take lots of water, some food, a first aid kit always comes in handy and every one forgets to take a pillow!

Erm, the rest escapes me

Edit: oh yea, keep an eye out on the weather predictions. Sunny weather - you sweating a lot, which means more clothes, rain means more clothes, normal overcast mild days means less clothes.

Take a torch and batteries, camera batteries, take a lighter, if you can get a travel pots and pans kit then that's good too, as you can have soups e.t.c

And yes before any one says, I am a fussy festival goer ;) :P

Too damn fussy mr hill! :P

Take a tent, beer, clothes for each day & money ! :p
Leave your stuff scattered everywhere. It's harder to steal than if it's all packed away nicely in a bag.
Wardie said:
That'll be me then....

There's about 20 of us going :x
:D I wouldn't mind at all light hearted fun really i just hope you would feel the same way when i use my air horn later on when you're asleep :p.
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hilly said:
Take lots of water...

Most festival's have taps for drinking water i'd recommend just bringing containers you can then fill for drinking/washing. Saves lugging it all the way there.
I don't think i'll take a camera because everyone has decent enough ones on their phones these days and it's just another thing to lose. There's about 20+ of us too so i'm sure someone will take theirs.

So far the essentials i've got are...

Toilet roll
Clothes x4
Waterproof Jacket

Will pick some beer up where we are staying. Unsure on what kind of food to take, if any. Thought about maybe getting one of them disposable BBQs but that means taking/buying meat.

Wardie said:
I don't think i'll take a camera because everyone has decent enough ones on their phones these days and it's just another thing to lose. There's about 20+ of us too so i'm sure someone will take theirs.

So far the essentials i've got are...

Toilet roll
Clothes x4
Waterproof Jacket

Will pick some beer up where we are staying. Unsure on what kind of food to take, if any. Thought about maybe getting one of them disposable BBQs but that means taking/buying meat.


Remember if you get glass bottles (vodka e.t.c) to put it into plastic bottles, a lot of festivals have a ban on glass bottles :)
Travel light.

1 Loo roll (4 is just a waste)
Stash can (bought from any good "hydrophonics" shop)
Couple of pairs of pants/ t-shirts/ jumpers.
Waterproof Poncho
Boots/ Wellies
Toothbrush/ Soap

Anything else is a waste of energy really.

Then get blasted, have fun, listen to music and keep people like the poster above up all night long.

Good luck :)

If you're in a big group though, don't be that jackass who thinks it's really good fun to kick other tents and/ or burn retarded things on a campfire. You're there to have fun, not be a moron. (*ahem* sorry for the self righteous rant there).
The number one essential after a torch and Toilet roll is.....a collapsable camping chair.


If you don't take one you will be in tears wishing you did.

Other things I take are:
Disposable BBQs used for heat and light when sitting out at night.
Small padlock to lock your tent zips together
Tinned food that you can eat cold.....and tin opener
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^TANK^ said:
Ear plug's there is always some little **** wanting to continue drinking and playing around at 5 am :rolleyes: .

Take a loud stereo, bongos an acoustic guitar and plenty of beer, if someone really wants to get shut during a festival they should **** off home.

Also take red wine in plastic bottles, that way it doesn't matter if it gets warm :cool:

Oh and a tent is handy but far from essential, I did Glastonbury with a 3 foot play tent once and survived quite nicely :)
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Sweetloaf said:
Take a loud stereo, bongos an acoustic guitar and plenty of beer, if someone really wants to get shut during a festival they should **** off home.

Also take red wine in plastic bottles, that way it doesn't matter if it gets warm :cool:

Oh and a tent is handy but far from essential, I did Glastonbury with a 3 foot play tent once and survived quite nicely :)

The way the weather is now I don't want to chance it haha. Plus it's for me and the girlfriend ;p
Forecast for heavy showers on Saturday....

It's not going to be pleasant lol. Sorted my sleeping bag/wellies/tent yesterday.

Cheers for the advice guys. I thinking about maybe buying a camping fold up chair, I did used to have them and they are pretty comfy too :D
If you have one, a cup to protect your 'privates'.

You have no idea how embarassing and painful it is when you're at a concert and someone 'accidently' knees you down there in the middle of the crowd. :o
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