Festival Advice

Baby wipes! For a 'dry bath' when you get smelly!!!

Bin Liners.

Portable BBQ!!!! (perhaps)

Antibacterial handwash - which you don't need to use water with.

BB x
BrightonBelle said:
Baby wipes! For a 'dry bath' when you get smelly!!!

Bin Liners.

Portable BBQ!!!! (perhaps)

Antibacterial handwash - which you don't need to use water with.

BB x

I was wondering about washing my hands. Thanks for reminding me about that though, we have some hand wash you don't need water with lurking about the house somewhere.
MookJong said:
Small padlock to lock your tent zips together

Worst festival idea ever. It's a tent, not a security door. Small padlocks equate to a nice sign that your tent contains valuables. It's not hard to get past a lock on a a temporary fabric hut. This way you end with no valuables and your tent is potentially destroyed for the weekend.

The best security is a really really messy tent, or be sensible and don't talk anything with you that you wouldn't mind loosing in the first place. :)
fonzee said:
global gathering...... eh booze booze and more booze.... oh and a spare pair of pants

:p ;)

You missed one important thing ;)
I'm heading off to Wales in about 30 mins and then down to Global afterwards. Can't wait
Baby wipes.
A bucket and some bin liners(without holes so carrier bags are no good usually). Line the bucket with a bin liner and use as a portaloo!
Vodka (in a plastic bottle as some places don't allow glass bottles) and mixer.
Red Wine
Tin Mug
Camping lantern. (If it gets cold, pour red wine into mug and heat over camping lantern! Mmmmmm.)
Change of clothes.
Sleeping bag.
My friend is going to Global this weekend through work and staying in a pod and everything - seriously gutted :(

She borrowed my no water needed handwash - boo hoo. :(

BB x
Everyone else here has given you some ace advice but let me introduce you to the powers of the Wheelie Plan! Now i have been to a few festivals and cottoned onto this after my first one, take a bag with wheels, take a sack trolley, just makesure you don't have your luggage on your back. With all the waiting around and movement, a bag with wheels or likewise just makes it about 5 times easier!

Also take stuff you don't mind losing so at the end of the whole thing, you can pretty much just walk away . . .
Sweetloaf said:
Take a loud stereo, bongos an acoustic guitar and plenty of beer, if someone really wants to get shut during a festival they should **** off home.
Like i said i wouldn't mind at all light hearted fun really i just hope you would feel the same way when i use my air horn later on when you're asleep :) then we will see who's ****** off the most :D.
Krono's Patented Festavle kit list

Sleeping bag
cloths your wearing
2-3 rolls of loo role (depending on time spent there)
water carrying vesicle
camping stove

Every morning I get a pub breakfast in town (and use the facilities) I buy what ever I want for lunch whilst in town (usually a pot noodle) I buy a burger for dinner on site (or some other form of takeaway)

On the first day on site (after pitching tent) I go into town and buy alchamohol. If I am feeling lazy spirits are the tipple of choice If I am feeling strong I get a crate or 2 of beer.

I take the bare minimum so I don't have to carry much weight. If I need anything I can get it on site or in town.
Thanks for the advice people. Ended up buying a blow up bed for the second night because it was horrible sleeping on the floor and the girlfriend woke up with sore shoulders and neck sooo. £10 airbed done the job :D

Went for breakfast at Morrisons, it was actually horrible :\

Freestylers were absolutely class
Dirty Pretty Things were pretty good too

Really tired today still at work, feel like i'm about 5 times less intelligent than I was before the weekend, I actually do feel stupid lol.
Just got back from global gathering yesterday. We spoke to a guy there who had been going to festivals for 25 years and he was there since thursday.
He took the following.

The clothes he was in including trainers with plastic bags up from his ankles so mud or water doesnt go into them
A rucksack
1 sandwich
'stuff' to keep him awake
he didnt say, but im guessing a bog roll or 2 and also at least 1 change of clothes

He said he didnt sleep at all because he liked sleep deprivation as it gave him hallucinations and instead just walked around in the early hours talking to people. Also didnt eat until sunday on his way home
He was a harcore festival goer to say the least!
Woah thats pretty hardcore, think i'm gonna try and get some food in me today now eaten since Saturday morning which is a tad worrying.
Glad i'm not in work today though
^TANK^ said:
Like i said i wouldn't mind at all light hearted fun really i just hope you would feel the same way when i use my air horn later on when you're asleep :) then we will see who's ****** off the most :D.

Would still be you. I'll either still be up or so under the influence and so dead to the world that I don't wake up. :)
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