FF 7 - What next?

18 Jan 2007
Playing through FF7 on my PSP at the moment (for the first time:eek:), and I was wondering what to go onto after I've finished it.

What are the other Final Fantasy games like on PSP? I've seen Crisis Core, just not sure if it's any good.
8 is out on the JP PSN store now(1,500 yen) , so itll probably be out on the EU/US store sooner or later.

Yar FF8 is my favorite as well, though recently 9 has begun to grow on me. :)
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8 is out on the JP PSN store now(1,500 yen) , so itll probably be out on the EU/US store sooner or later.

Yar FF8 is my favorite as well, though recently 9 has begun to grow on me. :)
Is there any extras with it if you buy it on the PSN? (I.e. Better graphics etc.) or is it just the PSX version?
Will be the same as ff7, just the psx version, itll look nice on the psps small screen and while the ps3 adds smoothing etc which helps with bigger screens.
FF7 -> FFX -> FF9 -> FF6 -> FF8 -> getting punched in the groin repeatedly -> FFX-2

FF12 doesn't count :P I think if they put "Bethesda" on the box instead of "Square Enix" no one would no the difference.

OP: Crisis Core looks a good game from when I checked it out, but from what I remember it it's a completely different style of play to FF7 so might want to check out the reviews on Gametrailer or something to make sure you could live with it. Alternatively you could wait for FF8 on the PSN store.
Mahnsikir said:
Will be the same as ff7, just the psx version, itll look nice on the psps small screen and while the ps3 adds smoothing etc which helps with bigger screens.

Ahh... Might have to grab it on the PSP :D Haven't replayed it in a while :D

FF8 has to be one of the greatest games ever.

Hi... back again... Just quoting this for empathesis :D
Good call Tefal ;)
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