FFVII remake, no thanks I wanna see!!!

10 Jan 2011
Hello all,

Am I the only person on the planet that didn't like or don't like the FF games, I'd rather have a HD remake of Dino Crisis, loved that game in my youth.

I'm not hating on FF btw, it's just annoying that tons of games get the HD treatment while other better games don't get the light of day.
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I hate remakes end of.

Make a new game set in Midgar not the same game, I don't get the point. Graphics don't improve games.
I hate remakes end of.

Make a new game set in Midgar not the same game, I don't get the point. Graphics don't improve games.

Well, they do. Final Fantasy 7 has aged extremely poorly, which is why it's getting the remake treatment.

I've never been a fan of 7, I'd much prefer a remake of 9, but I can also see that from an objective position that 7 is in need of a remake far more than 9. Final Fantasy 9 is still quite a nice looking game, whereas 7 just looks bad.
It took a while, but I asked all the other 6,999,999,999 people in the world, and its just you.

Sorry op :(
Nope, I also don't like FF in general. Mainly because I didn't get sucked into the worlds. And I don't like turn based combat. I have FF 10 or 12 or 12-2 on PS2 (actually I have no idea tbh!) that I was close to liking but in the end I got very bored with the story.

Also I don't really like remakes. Why is everyone so scared of making new games?
Why is everyone so scared of making new games?

because that requires creativity & thought coupled with a bit of risk. why be creative and take risks when you can just churn out remakes. :mad:

personally hate remakes/re-mastered versions of anything* (including movies)

*that said the re-mastered version of GOW will rock my world :D
Well I somehow missed this reveal until I saw this thread.

I checked youtube and I can confirm Im absolutely ecstatic they are remaking my favourite game ever made.

Sorry OP . IMO Final Fantasy 7 was, and still probably is the greatest game ever made. Its soundtrack, its characters, its storyline. All absolutely epic.
Well I somehow missed this reveal until I saw this thread.

I checked youtube and I can confirm Im absolutely ecstatic they are remaking my favourite game ever made.

Sorry OP . IMO Final Fantasy 7 was, and still probably is the greatest game ever made. Its soundtrack, its characters, its storyline. All absolutely epic.

What are you sorry for?
What are you sorry for?

For disagreeing, he's just being polite. It's like saying "I'm afraid I don't agree", you're not scared that you don't agree :p

As for the topic there are loads that don't like Final Fantasy games. I tend to think though that games that are remade in HD are done so because they'll make truck load in cash, and Final Fantasy 7 remake will sell so many copies. It's the same as the Resident Evil remake which broke sales records. If they thought Dino Crisis would make a mint they'd probably remaster that too.
For disagreeing, he's just being polite. It's like saying "I'm afraid I don't agree", you're not scared that you don't agree :p

As for the topic there are loads that don't like Final Fantasy games. I tend to think though that games that are remade in HD are done so because they'll make truck load in cash, and Final Fantasy 7 remake will sell so many copies. It's the same as the Resident Evil remake which broke sales records. If they thought Dino Crisis would make a mint they'd probably remaster that too.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with disagreeing though, at all!

I love Final Fantasy games, just not 7. I've never understood why so many people lose their minds and foam at the mouth over it.
I'm super excited, I'd also love an 8 and 9 remake too at this level too. 7 I liked the most because for me it was the first one I got into as a child and holds sentimental value as well as having a great story and great characters.

also the music. Just awesome.
Final Fantasy as a series is ****. Can they let it die gracefully after this remake?

Well gracefully is being generous but yeah...
I only played FFX and thought it was amazing. I even felt quite empty inside once I completed it, lol.

Actually I played FFX-2 but that was pants.

Never played FF7 but when I tried to last year it was just too old for me to get into. So I for one am looking forward to the remake.
Come on, even fans of the series will admit there's only a few good ones, and none of them are recent releases. If it wasn't for the past few, it could have ended as a good series for the people who like the genre, but what it's become now is kinda sad.
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