FFVII remake, no thanks I wanna see!!!

Come on, even fans of the series will admit there's only a few good ones, and none of them are recent releases. If it wasn't for the past few, it could have ended as a good series for the people who like the genre, but what it's become now is kinda sad.

What does the "of" in "could have" mean?

Also, you seem to be missing the point about Final Fantasy, it isn't really a "series", each numbered entry one offers something different and new, which is the point.
For me it was the first real RPG I played and all my friends were hooked on it too, just many memories for me.

That's definitely a factor I noticed, that it defined the start of the PlayStation "era" getting big.

It was definitely the first, big and involved story based game a lot of people played.
There was a lot I liked about FF7 but I've never been a fan of the games - none the least they seem to jump around too much between different styles, etc.
Final Fantasy VII isn't just a game, it was a movement when it arrived. Not only was it responsible for introducing so many young western gamers into the RPG world, the game itself was also a springboard into cinematic presentation. Of course the game alone was also great, but it was responsible for making the RPG genre massive.

So as much as Dino Crisis was a good game, as are tons of older games, Final Fantasy VII is another beast entirely. It made me import Xenogears (which was actually referenced in FFVII) and that game turned out to be one of my favourite games of all time, and if it wasn't for FFVII I wouldn't have known it existed due to it not being released in Europe.
Out of every game that's coming out that we know of in the future ff7 is the one I want the most so yes I freaking cant wait lol. I don't even care about final fantasy 15 which looks great I just want to play my favourite game of all time again with up to date tech.
I want this even more than I want a Half life 3 and I have no idea how there going to do this game at all. It was a huge game full of so many silly parts and weirdness that I wonder how they will replicate that with the remake.
For me it was the best game playing experiance of my childhood and to play it now as a adult would be quite an amazing experience that I never thought would happen.
Saw this on reddit this morning, made me think of this thread :p

It's the kind of game you either love or you don't, but if you don't then just don't comment because this isnt for you, this is for the fans of which there are a lot. :D
i want an FF8 remake


And FF12 too, it came out very late in the PS2 life span so slipped under the radar for a lot of people but it was a great game! (although not so much a remake, just tweaking to scale with resolutions etc)
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The reason there is remake is because of demand. People have been asking for it for ages. Granted it may not been some peoples tastes. But there's a reason it won so many awards and is almost always voted as one of the best games of all time (behind Dues Ex).

Undecided whether I am going to get it (probably will) as I have completed it too many times now!
If this turns out to be a success and SE look to other games to remake, I'd like to see FFIX redone. It was the last great Final Fantasy IMO. I loved FFVIII at the time, but I just don't have the same fondness for it as I do with some others in the series.
Give me the fight system, gear, world, converstions and characters of FF.
Get rid of the bloody idiotic "random unavoidable battle every 10 seconds".

There, that's a game I'd actually not fling out the window after 5 minutes.
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