FIFA 06 PC Problem

9 Jun 2004
Lovely Wolver-ampton!
When I load up the game, the menus cycle through without touching any buttons. I've tried loading with and without the gamepad connected and the same thing happens. I've tried looking for a patch but apparently there's not one out yet.

Any ideas peeps?
yes its a logitech pad. got the latest drivers for it as of today. thing is, even without the pad in the menus scroll by themselves so it can't be anything to do with the pad.
well the patch didnt work.

so it's going back and im going to swap it for pro evo. whats the best version? pc isnt exactly top end. athlon 64 2ghz, 1gb ram and 6600GT :\
Newest Pro Evo (5) should be fine on your PC.
Before I upgraded at christmas I had a pretty much identical PC and it ran fine on it. :cool:
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