Fifa 16

29 Aug 2003
South Wales
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Anyone getting this title?

After 15 I am kind of hesitant but at the same time, I'm hoping it is better after a year of frustrating attempts trying to play a RUINED game.



13 & 14 were much better lets hope they go back to that.

Also boobies.
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Why would they bother making it better off people will just lap up their turds anyway :/

Because they finally got competition from PES last year. PES had the better actual gameplay in a long time so now FIFA have to step it up and stop focusing solely on the non match parts of the game.
It doesn't matter if PES has better gameplay, until they get proper licensing and a mode that attracts as many people/cash as Ultimate Team does EA can just carry on doing pretty much nothing and still come out miles ahead.
Fifa is just broken now.
I would rather them spend two/three years making a decent game and then update squads in between games
Not played Fifa since 14. The whole player hit detection needs to be fixed asap, sometimes its just plain bad!

This made me laugh earlier. Its about right.

Haha quality!

But yeah I'll probably get it, I skipped 15, I dunno why I bother though I've never had a game that made me rage so much as FIFA.

Yep...that is cos these games aren't totally under your control. So much is decided by the AI scripts, which in a competitive online match....drives most people utterly bonkers, whether they realise precisely how they are being screwed or not.
I'm not sure how true 'scripting' is...
It definitely feels like it sometimes but I'm not sure they could put that into such a high profile game and get away with it
I stopped playing FIFA in 09. I'm sure I could play the latest one and it would be exactly the same as I remember!
I'm not sure how true 'scripting' is...
It definitely feels like it sometimes but I'm not sure they could put that into such a high profile game and get away with it

Sports game like FIFA are largely determined by stats being fed into the AI engine, as the two players battle it out on the pitch. So in that sense, there is the scripting that involves the stats benefiting one team over the other in any given circumstance, there is the scripting that involves the game engine generating 'momentum' patterns to benefit one team in a certain way over another for certain periods of the game, and then most insidious of all, is when the AI engine detects that it has been a while since you have splashed some cash on FUT players, and decides that you need a good solid losing streak to motivate you to get your wallet out.

Afraid all of the above exist in the game......which is utter garbage at any rate. Pro Evo utterly hosed on FIFA this year for gameplay.
I'm not sure how true 'scripting' is...
It definitely feels like it sometimes but I'm not sure they could put that into such a high profile game and get away with it

They get away with it because its not called scripting its "momentum" so when asked about scripting they use political bs to dodge the issue.

I think momentum should exist but not to the extent that's currently in the game, I mean my whole team are slugs and can only pass to the opposition.
Put it this way, its like playing csgo and the server deciding if you get that hs/kill. Would any decent player tolerate that?
I'll buy it no doubt, have bought everyone since 04. I liked 15 but the scripting on MM was terrible.

I'd like to see a more in depth MM, if the mixed up Fifa Football and Fifa Manager that would be good.
13 was my favourite as well, still play 15 but it's far too buggy online on Ultimate Team, the ball just seems to ping pong about most of the time and you can have games where tackling the opponents player does nothing and he still keeps the ball.
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