You can thank clowns like Blatter and Platini for that. 2 turds that simply won't flush.
Not really true, almost everyone, every pundit for years has been against video replay. They keep pushing the line of "but it will delay the game, kill the flow", etc, etc. There have been over say the past decade, incredibly few people saying that we need video replay, the significant majority, including fans, pundits, ex pros, FA, fifa, everyone, has been dead set against it.
England in general was against goal line tech till Lampard, then spent 2-3 years begging for it then finally got it..... but people act like they've wanted technology/replays of some form for years, it's been a few at most and even throughout these past few years the majority still don't/didn't want video replays.
It's only in the past year that anyone has really mentioned it seriously(apart from me and a few others). We have threads on here every so often where I'm the most vocal for it and most people seem to be against it. The ratio of for/against changing say every 6 months.
It's politics, when everyone asks for something then those in charge do it, when a not clear majority ask for something it gets ignored. Blatter has been firmly right where public opinion stands, on goal line and on video replay. He's the only person afaik who has publicly now said he quite likes the idea of video replays in football... I can't think of any FA, any manager, anyone else really significant in football to say that.
Blatter is a spiteful little money grubbing poop head, but on these things, he's absolutely not behind the times, the FANS were, and they were following what the fans were asking for. Platini is even worse than Blatter, does nothing for the sport at all. Worth noting that Platini has dropped all support for Blatter and it came pretty much just after Blatter said he would probably push to introduce video replays to the game.