Fiji, Window Vista's successor

Microsoft must have found bugs in Vista that can not be fixed without rewriting a large chunk of code :)
ultim said:
Microsoft must have found bugs in Vista that can not be fixed without rewriting a large chunk of code :)
Eh? :confused:

Fiji is just an interim release. It'll still be branded as Vista, but perhaps Vista Special Edition or something. There's a high probability they'll use it as the WinFS launch platform.

Assuming there's no more delays to Vista, then I'd guess Fiji will be a mid-2008 thang. Vienna is still a long way off - probably 2010+. I wouldn't be surprised if they add another interim release (after Fiji) to be honest.
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ultim said:
Microsoft must have found bugs in Vista that can not be fixed without rewriting a large chunk of code :)

And of course software development isnt a permanently ongoing thing..... ;)
If they didnt start longhorn before whistler was out, then how on earth could we expect to get Vista before 2010 in its current form :p
NathanE said:
Eh? :confused:

Fiji is just an interim release. It'll still be branded as Vista, but perhaps Vista Special Edition or something. There's a high probability they'll use it as the WinFS launch platform.

Assuming there's no more delays to Vista, then I'd guess Fiji will be a mid-2008 thang. Vienna is still a long way off - probably 2010+. I wouldn't be surprised if they add another interim release (after Fiji) to be honest.
Cripes, ms are in a bigger mess than even i thought they seem to be tieing themselves up in knots at the moment, vista is looking more and more like a piece of bloatware designed to make money, you would have thought ms would have sorted this whole mess out by now, its a complete shambles. :eek:
Slam62 said:
Cripes, ms are in a bigger mess than even i thought they seem to be tieing themselves up in knots at the moment, vista is looking more and more like a piece of bloatware designed to make money, you would have thought ms would have sorted this whole mess out by now, its a complete shambles. :eek:
Slam62 said:
Cripes, ms are in a bigger mess than even i thought they seem to be tieing themselves up in knots at the moment, vista is looking more and more like a piece of bloatware designed to make money, you would have thought ms would have sorted this whole mess out by now, its a complete shambles. :eek:
Well I'd say it's standard practice to look ahead and plan their releases well in advance. I'm sure things would go much worse if they didn't.
My mum and dad are Fijian. I wonder if I can get Fiji for a discount price for being half fijian! :cool:
Kainz said:
Hey i've got fijian blood! I wants a copy of Fiji!
I think what tomos (and I) meant was that if both your parents are fijian, how does that make you only half fijian? Surely that makes you fijian?
Psyk said:
Well I'd say it's standard practice to look ahead and plan their releases well in advance. I'm sure things would go much worse if they didn't.
Well theres planning in advance and theres running around in circles like headless chickens which is what ms are doing.

Anyone whos read anything about the state of ms knows about that

By the way i have 'whistler' from an oem disc just after xp appeared and i think its home.

Isnt he dual nationality if his parents are fijian, i think the girls in fiji are luvly.

What happened to venice (not the one thats sinking) or whatever it was called, vista is just xp with windowblinds. :p
csmager said:
I think what tomos (and I) meant was that if both your parents are fijian, how does that make you only half fijian? Surely that makes you fijian?
Depends on ones pov since I was born here. Anyway I want a free copy of fiji! :p :D :o :cool:
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