File Sharing in XP

31 Jul 2005
I have a dual boot setup with XP and Vista. Windows XP has all my files and documents that I want to share across to vista but I cannot access these files in vista as it says I do not have permission.
I have tried going to properties on my documents and sharing but all the options are greyed out.

Does anyone know how to do this?

You need to enable sharing and create a username and password in user manager while you are at it, xp doesnt like sharing anonymously.
With that in mind, it's best to turn "Simple File Sharing" off in XP - I have _no_ idea how to do it in Vista!

In XP navigate (from any explorer type Window - like My Computer) to Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Advanced Settings and right down the bottom is "Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended)" make sure it's turned off.

You can then either go for mapping drive to Administrative shares (such as \\computername\C$) or manually share stuff out using the folder properties menu.

One other tip, it helps if your XP and Vista accounts have passwords, and it's even easier still if they're the same as Windows will silently pass default credentials in the background before prompting you for a password.

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lee87 said:
I have tried going to properties on my documents and sharing but all the options are greyed out.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Sound like you have made "my documents" private thats why you can't share it . There should be a tick box just above where the sharing options are greyed out.
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