Fileplanet membership

22 Oct 2004
Im thinking of going with them for $6.95 a month ill get to download on there fast serversand get to play with exclusive demos.

Im currently on a 2mb connection and i get about 160Kb-210Kb when downloading off there free servers so is it really worth it when the maximum i would get on member servers is 250Kb cause of my connection.

In a few months im going over to freedom 2 surf on there 8mb so should i wait till then.
As far as I've seen, everything you can get at Fileplanet you can also get at Gamer's Hell or other sites, without any sort of download cap or limit. I'd save my money were I in your position.
I get an annual sub for file planet, the exclusive betas they have are usually worth the money along with the fast downloads.

They have had some pretty cool exclusive betas, wow for one.
What annoys me about thse sub services is that they offer the magazine sub if your USA only, no discount or alternative for us UK people
XPE said:
No point, keep your money.

I disagree, i pay the $6 a month, which really is peanuts, and to have a nice quick website where I can constantly download at 1100-1200 kb/s is a god send, definately worth a measly $6 a month
ScarySquirrel said:
I disagree, i pay the $6 a month, which really is peanuts, and to have a nice quick website where I can constantly download at 1100-1200 kb/s is a god send, definately worth a measly $6 a month
I get that from gamerhell usually, and Its quite cool sometimes to get a really big download in a couple of minutes but by the time you finished reading this forum, its usually done anyhow. Gamespot has "exclusive" demos, that are available the day after from everyone else.
Complete waste of money, all of the "exclusive" downloads are avalible on gamershell for free, which always maxes out my 8Mb connection.
Are we talking about all the "exclusive" demos that are on gamershell and gamespot? The same crap thats on fileplanet 6 hours later?

Again, Buy it if you want the entry to plenty of beta's. If you dont then cool, save it and buy 2 pints a month extra.

I seriously pity the people that begrudge £3 pound a month.
Malkie said:
Are we talking about all the "exclusive" demos that are on gamershell and gamespot? The same crap thats on fileplanet 6 hours later?

Again, Buy it if you want the entry to plenty of beta's. If you dont then cool, save it and buy 2 pints a month extra.

I seriously pity the people that begrudge £3 pound a month.

So you'd rather people waste £3 a month instead?:confused:
Erm did you read my 2 previous posts?

Nope, the people who want access to half decent betas can "waste" the whopping £3 a month. The rest can waste it on full speed demo's they may or may not use.

If you are contemplating spending the money on it then it wouldnt be wasted. Its £3 a MONTH!!!

Seriously, if you cant spare that a month then thats fine. I've been there done that. Nowt wrong with having better things to spend your money on,

If you do have an interest in MMO's and beta's in then i cant see the problem with the monthly charge.
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