Fill and drain ports

21 Aug 2016
Northern Ireland
Hi all,

I recently put together my first water-cooling loop using the "ek water blocks ek-kit ht360 hard tubing performance watercooling kit"

It never came with a drain or fill port. I am new so I was wondering what I should get as a compatible soft tubing port at the top of my loop to fill it and a compatible port to add a soft tube and turn valve to drain it.

Any help is greatly appreciated
To fill it if there's a spare port on top of the reservoir just get a squeezey fill bottle
They have a long tube coming out of them you just stick that into the reservoir
And squeeze the bottle to fill
To drain you will need a spare port at the lowest possible point
If want to do it in soft tube
If don't have a spare port then you will likely need to cut the hard tube and add a T piece, male to male extender
And a ball valve
If got a spare port
1 x 50mm male to male g1 /4 extender
A ball valve
Or possibly 1 x 90 degree female rotary
A male to male extender
And a ball valve
Will depend on how your loop is which options
Photos would really help
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