It's been hard work, i broke my collarbone 6 weeks back so i can only shovel half-barrows etc plus sorting out my car etc so it's kept me busy
Still got to finish the main part, i've filled the pond a la thread title but not done anything else yet. Going to shift some sand in, membrane it, then get another 3 tons of gravel onto it! Another week or so i think
Mum's house anyway, and she's happy. Good enough for me
Unless you enjoy mowing, I'd subtlety push for gravel/feature plants on the front garden
My mum has a dwarf maple tree in her front garden, nearly stolen twice ffs. I laid a plastic mesh all over the garden and gravelled over the lot. Would be a shame if someone tries to half inch it again, it will probably be killed. Nice area too
She doesnt mind mowing, and at the moment it's pretty untidy. It's got huge gravel on (60mm+) and doesnt match the rest of the drive that has pea shingle. She'll plant it too.
Although you just gave me a thought. I picked out a Twisted Hazel years ago that's growing out back and it's awesome. Maybe i'll push for one out front.
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