Film processing and scanning

3 Jun 2003
I want to give film a go, probably with a second hand Canon 33 or similar camera so that I can use all my EF lenses, or maybe with an older Canon with a couple of cheap FD lenses.

The initial idea was to get a second hand medium format setup with one lens I could use for landscapes but its all more expensive than I fancy at this time.

Anyway, this means I am going to need to things, a place that will process my film and a scanner. I don't fancy getting prints of everything I shoot.

Your guidance on both a processing lab to use and recommended scanner that wont break the bank will be greatly appreciated.

PS: I will need the lab to process only and to ship to Gibraltar.
I've got a 33v its a very nice camera!... (Wife bought it for our 1st anniversary)... and we've a HP All-in-One thinngy (48bit scanning)...

Check me results... My Photos

I tried some C41 B&W plus had a short play in colour!... I'm slowly getting into this photography milarky now I've finnished my A+/MCSDT, So I've got some time on my hands! :cool:

Just gotta save up for some more lenses etc... and possbily a Negative Scanner for better quality scanning!...

Processing at Asda is 2 days... they do C41... and 36 7x5 prints were £4.50ish... They also do CD's/DVD's or even (I think) they'll stick em on any media you supply!..

I'm also looking at trying my own developing, I did a short course at school Many moons ago!!, but I'm looking at a further refresher course!!
Alex53 said:
PS: I will need the lab to process only and to ship to Gibraltar.

If you can get the films safely to these people, I'm sure they can courier the results back to you.

Probably going to be a bit expensive for shipping, but they do process only AND process and scan to various levels.

As for scanners, a dedicated film scanner like the Nikon Coolscan V is what I use. Cost you about £400 though, but the results can be great.
I'm thinking I could give the scanner at my photographic society's premises a go. Its meant to be good only a bit battered from being used by many people.

Thanks for the tips. I like your b&w results simian. Just ordered a red filter myself :)

I want to get the finest b&w film I can, ISO 50, but the only one is Ilford Pan F Plus, which I am not sure can be processed 'normally' or needs to be sent to some special lab.
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