Films I must see

12 Sep 2005
I want to see some great films

So I looked at this list;

I've seen...

4. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
8. Star Wars
9. Pulp Fiction
10. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
13. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
15. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
33. Fight Club
34. The Matrix
45. Léon
62. Alien
66. Saving Private Ryan
70. Reservoir Dogs
74. Sin City
79. the Great Escape
80. Aliens
85. Kill Bill
100. Forrest Gump

(I stopped looking at 100.)

But come on, 2 star wars films and all 3 lotr films in the top 100?!

Anyway, what films should everyone see? I'm going to watch Citizen Kane soonm thats on the list.

And I guess I should watch some Gangsta films too... I like the Sopranos, and The untoucables was O.K i guess.
iBot said:
But come on, 2 star wars films and all 3 lotr films in the top 100?!
Err, yeah. :confused:

iBot said:
Anyway, what films should everyone see?

Top Gun
Usual Suspects
Apocalypse Now
Rocky (all of them except V)
Raging Bull
Get Carter (the original)
Godfather Trilogy
Alien Quadrilogy
Demolition Man
Shawshank Redemption
Green Mile
Training Day
Indiana Jones trilogy

Off the top of my head :)
Gilly said:
Alien Quadrilogy
I'd go with the trilogy, but that fourth film was dire, and wasn't needed.

I'd also suggest Dogma, simply because it's probably one of the most refreshing films I've seen.
Requiem For A Dream
I Heart Huckabees
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
The Virgin Suicides
Frankenstein (1931)
It's A Wonderful Life
12 Angry Men
Godfather Trilogy
Life Of Brian
Raging Bull
Dances With Wolves
Once Upon a Time in America is The Best gangster film out imho.
Fight Club
City of God
American History X
Requiem For A Dream
Amores Perros
Pulp Fiction
Lost In Translation
The Usual Suspects

Those ten should be essential viewing, in my opinion. Films you 'should' have watched would include, I guess:

The Godfather I-III
Star Wars IV-VI
The Great Escape
The Shawshank Redemption
L.A. Confidential
The Untouchables
Schindler's List
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Dr. Strangelove
The Deer Hunter
Apocalypse Now
Blade Runner
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Shining
Reservoir Dogs
A Clockwork Orange
Taxi Driver

I'll add more when I think of them. Edit; additions:

Citizen Kane
Being John Malkovich
High Noon
The Big Lebowski
The Hustler
The Sting
Raging Bull

Evil-Penguin said:
The Butterfly Effect
Hahaha no.
Last edited:
Arcade Fire has most of mine nailed but I'll consolidate 2001: A Space Odyssey, it's often overlooked as Kubrick's finest work.

Falling Down - underrated I feel, belter of a movie.
You think that a film which completely changed the way we think about cinema is laughably bad? A film which used dialogue and narrative in a completely new way? A film which created a new style of soundtracking, and used music in a novel, exciting and original way? A film with near-perfect casting, produced on a low budget with a completely unknown director?

Well, I guess you're entitled to your opinion ;)
Arcade Fire said:
You think that a film which completely changed the way we think about cinema is laughably bad? A film which used dialogue and narrative in a completely new way? A film which created a new style of soundtracking, and used music in a novel, exciting and original way? A film with near-perfect casting, produced on a low budget with a completely unknown director?

Well, I guess you're entitled to your opinion ;)
A film can be many things but if it isn't entertaining and isn't actually a good film then what is it?

Is RD just an elaborate exercise in film techniques? A documentary?
yeah everyone raves about reservoir dogs but i didnt like it at all. It wasnt a patch on pulp fiction.

Add a couple:

28 days later
roads to perdition
the crow
Gilly said:
A film can be many things but if it isn't entertaining and isn't actually a good film then what is it?
I don't think that saying "it isn't a good film" is a particularly good defense, because you have to deal with the millions of people, including thousands of professional critics, who clearly think that it's an awesome film. I think it's hugely entertaining, personally. I love the dialogue, I love the characters and I love the music.

What are we actually arguing anyway? Am I putting forward the case for Reservoir Dogs being a great film, and you the case that it's a bad one? Or is there some more subtle subtext about me laughing at someone who thinks that The Butterfly Effect is essential viewing, and you're just playing devil's advocate?

While I remember, here's an informative nugget of knowledge for you:'s_advocate

I thought that was interesting :)
Bit of both actually. You were rubbishing someone else's opinion because you thought the film they said was laughably poor. I rubbished yours because I thought yours was too :)
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