Films I must see

Otacon said:
I'd also suggest Dogma, simply because it's probably one of the most refreshing films I've seen.

I'd agree with that. In fact, I'd suggest all of the Kevin Smith films as they're probably the funniest films I've ever seen. :)
Blade Runner
The Dear Hunter
My Left Foot

Just watch as many films as you can, you won't like them all but you can't appreciate the good without the bad.
Everything in the top 20 is worth watching, even if some of it is overrated(Star Wars, LOTR for instance).

Looking down the list there's definitely stuff that shouldn't be there but I guess the mob has spoken.

I'll just add one film that I think anyone should be able to enjoy... North by Northwest. As thrillers go I really don't think it's ever been beaten. The first episode of Family Guy season 4 did a nice spoof of it(North by north quahog).
:eek: No Back to the Future so far?! :D

The Butterfly Effect was an excellent film, mainly due to the fact that the ending wasn't all Hollywoodised happy-ever-after stuff. It's the only film I rented last year that I gave a rating of 7/7 (why it's out of seven I'm not sure!). Also, I hate Ashton Kutcher, so that's saying something.

I may be repeating some that others have said but if I had to give a top ten they'd probably be:

Back to the Future
LOTR trilogy
Grosse Pointe Blank
Groundhog Day
The Usual Suspects
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Not necessarily all my favourites but all excellent examples of their genres. Mostly films I can rewatch a lot as well.
Through a number of posts and some real good debate, the forum members here came up with the "Must-See Movie List" last year. I'll post what I was able to capture:

1 12 Angry Men
2 2001 - A Space Odyssey
3 7th Voyage Of Sinbad, The
4 A Bridge Too Far
5 A Clockwork Orange
6 Abyss, The
7 Airplane!
8 Amityville Horror
9 Apocalypse Now
10 Back To The Future (series)
11 Band of the Hand
12 Ben Hur
13 Big Lebowski, The
14 Blade Runner
15 Blazing Saddles
16 Blue Velvet
17 Blues Brothers, The
18 Boogie Nights
19 Booty Call
20 Boyz In The Hood
21 Brazil
22 Breakfast At Tiffany's
23 Breakfast Club, The
24 Caddyshack
25 Caligula
26 Chisum
27 Citizen Kane
28 Clerks (series)
29 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
30 Contact
31 Cool Hand Luke
32 Deliverance
33 Donnie Darko
34 Dr. No
35 Dr. Strangelove
36 Drunken Master, The
37 Dune
38 Easy Rider
39 Fantasia
40 Fargo
41 Field Of Dreams
42 Forrest Gump
43 Full Metal Jacket
44 Godfather, The (1 & 2)
45 Gone In 60 Seconds (original version)
46 Good Will Hunting
47 Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, The
48 Grosse Point Blank
49 Gumball Rally
50 Heavy Metal
51 Kes
52 Leon: The Professional
53 Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, The
54 Mad Max
55 Matrix, The
56 Memento
57 Meteor
58 Monty Python and the Holy Grail
59 Natural Born Killers
60 Office Space
61 On The Waterfront
62 Once Upon A Time In America
63 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
64 Planet Of the Apes (original)
65 Pretty Woman
66 Principal, The
67 Psycho
68 Pulp Fiction
69 Right Stuff, The
70 Riki-Oh: The Story Of Ricky
71 Rocky (series)
72 Rocky Horror Picture Show
73 Saving Private Ryan
74 Scarface
75 Schindler's List
76 Scum
77 Seven Samurai, The
78 Shawshank Redemption, The
79 Shining, The
80 Sleepers
81 Spartacus
82 Star Wars (series)
83 Superman
84 Swingers
85 Taking Of Pelham 123, The
86 Taxi Driver
87 Ten Commandments, The
88 Terminator, The
89 Third Man, The
90 This Is Spinal Tap
91 Three Kings
92 Time After Time
93 Toy Story
94 Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The
95 Tron
96 Twelve Monkeys
97 Warriors
98 What's Eating Gilbert Grape
99 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
100 Wizard Of Oz, The

Of course, many will argue one film against the other, but I think this was the final consensus. These are in alphabetical order, not rating.
I don't get why people liked LOTR: Return of the King. Its rubbish!
I'll prob get flamed for this but here goes:
So okay, they've got the ring. So what? The whole action and 3 45 minute wars with thousand upon thousand of Orcs is just a cover up for the 3 hour film. Rerturn of the King has no story line! They fight, and that's about it! The only good thing in Return of the King was the Spider. The audience did think what hell is Frodo going to do? But in actual fact the Spider was meant to be in The Two Towers, not in Return of the King (read the books).

Now The Fellowship of the Ring is a class LOTR film. It has a storyline, not silly amounts of fighting. It has emotion and an epic introduction to The Two Towers. Which was really good too. Not as good as the first. But it was great.
But Return of the King? Bah! Its rubbish!
eXSBass said:
I don't get why people liked LOTR: Return of the King. ...
I disagreed with the LOTR also, but was voted out. One person, and I don't remember who, had this to say:
No movies could ever compare to the sheer scale depicted in these movies.
I suppose that's true.

I, for one, could not make it through the books. Tolkien has to be one of the dryest authors out there. I don't know how they became so popular. But everyone has their own taste, I suppose.

I was extremely disappointed that Samwise wasn't the slayer of Golum - he should have had that honour after all the little bugger put him through.
Raist said:
Of course, many will argue one film against the other, but I think this was the final consensus.

I'm sure I put forward Yellow Submarine - obviously it didn't cut it with the big boys!
Well I have a lot of renting to do :)

And I've seen the butterfly effect, My friend said it was good and it "made you think"

Watched Saw last night.

Very good film.

A lot less gruesome than people told me, and a lot more thought had gone into it than i expected.
Carzy said:
Requiem For A Dream

Watched this a few weeks back based on a recomendation on a similar thread on here - all I can say is WOW :eek: . I've never had a film come close to affecting me in the way this film did - I couldn't stop thinking about it. I've since read a few other peoples views on this and the best way I've seen it described is that it's not a film that you enjoy, it's a film that you experience.

Can't recomend it highly enough.
Gilly, you'd have to stick Rocky 5 on your list, if you have watched the other 4, you have to watch the 5th. We all know that the 6th will be awful, yet we will all go and watch it, just to finish the story off. I'm not denying the 5th was the worth, and really not that good, but yet it just had to be watched !
24 with Bob Hoskins (Not Keifer Sutherland.)
Stand By Me (Keifer not Bob)
Napoleon Dynamite
The life aquatic with Steve Zissou
The thin red line
Cinderella Man
Angelas Ashes
Get Carter
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