Films like..

andy8271 said:
isn't it called jet lis ,fearless over here ?

is when its on sky movies :o

fearless is hardly a british gangster film :p

danny the dog is called 'unleashed' also i think
Christ.. I've got a lot of renting to do :eek:
Films listed in the thread I haven't seen:

City of God
Memento - think I might have actually.. will check IMDB
Taxi driver
Twelve Monkeys
LA Confidential
The Usual suspects
Man Bites Dog
Romper Stomper
Straw Dogs
Deer Hunter
Taxi Driver
15 minutes
Donnie Brasco
Out of Sight
The Limey
Way of the Gun
old boy

Thanks a lot :)
Find yourself a month free rental voucher code and enjoy. :)

A lot of films in that list I wish I could see for the first time again.

Memento, The Usual Suspects and Se7en for starters.
I'm astonished that you haven't seen The Usual Suspects, that should definately be one of the next films you watch.

I'd love to be able to watch it all over again as if I hadn't seen it.
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