Filmwise Invisibles

hey guys, anybody who can explain how this works?

I'm not sure how much detail you need so please forgive me if this is all blindingly obvious but you go to the latest Filmwise Invisibles quiz (usually someone will link to it on a Monday morning as that's when they're normally released) and see if you know any answers - if you just enter the ones you think you know then the quiz will instantly tell you how many you've got right although not which ones specifically if you enter more than one. When you've done that then post in this thread with any correct answers you may have but remember to colour the answers in the correct blue to match the forum (simplest way is to simply quote someone else who has done it and edit the number/answer as appropriate). Once all eight are guessed (or seven in exceptional circumstances) then they should be submitted under the name Team OcUK (or some variant of that) - usually the last person to submit a correct answer will do that but anyone can do it.
I'm not sure how much detail you need so please forgive me if this is all blindingly obvious but you go to the latest Filmwise Invisibles quiz (usually someone will link to it on a Monday morning as that's when they're normally released) and see if you know any answers - if you just enter the ones you think you know then the quiz will instantly tell you how many you've got right although not which ones specifically if you enter more than one. When you've done that then post in this thread with any correct answers you may have but remember to colour the answers in the correct blue to match the forum (simplest way is to simply quote someone else who has done it and edit the number/answer as appropriate). Once all eight are guessed (or seven in exceptional circumstances) then they should be submitted under the name Team OcUK (or some variant of that) - usually the last person to submit a correct answer will do that but anyone can do it.


1 last question, why do we hide the answers in blue? is it incase somebody wants to work it out for themselves?
1 the imaginarium of doctor parnassus

Bugger! one min too slow :)
I'll cut and paste next time and not try to spell something like that out!
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