
3 Jan 2005
Few questions on my ride home there are two chances to filter.

The first one is two lanes meeting a round about. I want to go the first left at the round about what is the best way for filtering if at the end I need to be in the left lane.

The second I need to be in the right lane to go straight over. Is it ok to use the left lane and the try and get back in. Undertaking ?
Dont you think there would be less accidents etc if bikes / cycles werent allowed to filter? Most of the time it is hard to notice when they zoom past you!

Can't comment on that, the areas I am doing it are 40max and I am only doing 5mph just ticking over going past.

Suppose if I blasted past at stupid MPH then yes I am asking for trouble
Well being a noobie I have been doing a bit of filtering on my daily commute, but only where the road allows me. Few times I have thought I could go for it only to see someone flash a car out further up.
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