Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - I feel so let down...

12 Sep 2003
Worcester, UK
What a let down, i've been waiting to see this movie for I feel like a kid who didn't get the christmas present he'd waited all year for.

Put it on, saw Red X at the beginning, got that little tingle of nostalgia down my spine which reminded me of the countless hours of playing FFVII and how rewarding the game was...but this movie, just felt lazy in terms of storytelling and a decent plot.

It felt more like an exercise in animation style than an effort to tell a good story and also reward the legions of faithful FFVII fans that had been waiting for a decent movie after the let down of The Spirits Within...which I have to say, had a far better storyline.

Also the fighting style, just felt like a speeded up Matrix at times, there was nothing unique in it...I was waiting for the fighting to be over and the story to begin...trouble is, this movie is 90% fight scenes.

However...good points I must mention...the inclusion of all the major game characters, excellent use of the game music, stunning CGI and of course, Clouds massive swords :D

I've seen loads of people praising this movie on the forums...anyone actually feel the same as me...or is everyone just so eager to get a FFVII movie that they'd happily accept this mediocre effort?
See I felt the plot was pretty was good for anyone who had played the games as it built on the existing story...but looking at it for anyone who was a FFVII virgin shall we say, it would have been as confusing as hell.

The problem is, I wanted to love this movie, I wanted to adore and worship this movie...but the plot feels so lazy...and even though i'll argue the merits of FFVII -the game til i'm blue in the face, I can't defend the storyline of this film :(
atpbx said:
Its quoted for truth, or more importantly the first letters which became popular as an abrieviation of the term.
But these are cut out by the "FAG" filter on the forum, a piece of software that is instucted to block terms such as Q.F.T as "fags" complain about its usage.

Well i've learnt something new today...why is Q.F.T. such a cause of complaint?

Also...i've been using the net pretty actively on a daily basis since about '97...this includes a lot of different forum usage, but to my knowledge, i've never really come across this little saying before. As you say it's quite a popular term, i'm very confused as to why i've never come across it before.
Why are fans of the game so quick to forgive this movie "because it's a FFVII movie"...I played the game to death and I don't feel it really rewards the fans of the game at all, feels more like a teaser of what could have been!
Psyk said:
I thought it had the exact right balance between story and style.

This is my whole problem though, it was 90% style over substance/story, if they'd spent even a fraction of the time they spent on CGI working on the story instead of trying to blow our minds with amazing CGI (which I admit it was), then it would have worked!
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