Final Year Project - Help on Database Options

23 Mar 2010

So I've decided that my final year project will a Hotel Management System

I will most likely code in Java

The question I wanted to ask was, what databases are there for java (storing info like Customer Details, Booking, etc) ?
and which one is the best (well, most easiest :D ) to use?

I know a couple:
-Microsoft Access
-Oracle SQL

I'm way behind schedule with this FYP, so... :(
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16 Feb 2004
You could look at MySql or postgresql, both pretty popular and opensource so free. Access is ok for some stuff but will suffer with a lot going on and Oracle/MSSQL are paid for.



8 Sep 2009
You don't want to use MS Access.

I'd agree that MySQL or PostgreSQL are probably your best options; lightweight, free, easy to install and operate. No real advantage to using a heavyweight solution like Oracle or MSSQL at this stage. You won't be using any/enough of the advanced features to make it worthwhile.
23 Mar 2010
Thanks for all the replies,

but, a friend jogged a memory of mine, and recommended me to do a web-based version of this

HTML/CSS - webpages
PHP - send/receive data from database
phpMyAdmin - Database

I'm very familiar with these languages, so...

would this be a better choice? and a better chance of me receiving a better mark on my Final Year Project? compared to previous approach??

Assassin, check your university library for past dissertations for inspiration.

i have, not many people done much regarding a management system.
i've seen one project that was about a hotel booking system
but, the info isn't enough.
11 Aug 2005
Just throwing another option into the mix. You could try a c# with Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web and Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012. Will allow you to learn something new and also get experience in a widely used platform used in industry.



8 Sep 2009
So, hang on... first you decided to do a Java-based project working with Access or Oracle, but now that a friend has "jogged your memory" and reminded you that you can use PHP, you've decided to ditch that idea completely and go for a web based version?

Have you actually drawn up a specification for the hotel management system that you're trying to create? Do you know what features you intend to develop, how the system will work, etc?

A web-based solution is no better or worse than a desktop client, assuming that you have done the groundwork to correctly identify WHY you're choosing a particular solution, the pros and cons, etc.

What kind of experience do you have in all the languages etc. that you've named as part of your course? I'm starting to get the impression that it's not much to be honest...

And phpMyAdmin isn't a database, it's a tool for managing MySQL. If you don't know the difference, you should look up both.
6 Sep 2005
West Sussex
Your choice of technology shouldn't have any impact on your marks provided that your decisions are justified and that the technology is used effectively. Just use whichever one your are most comfortable with, whether it be Java, PHP or some other.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I'd say:

Oracle <-- if you want it on your CV
PostreSQ, Mysql (or the MariaDB fork) <-- which would be my choice as they are OS
Apache DB <-- for pure convenience (it's a little known database but it is pure Java and can either run embedded or as a stand alone database)
23 Mar 2010
Just throwing another option into the mix. You could try a c# with Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web and Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2012. Will allow you to learn something new and also get experience in a widely used platform used in industry.

Thanks for your option, though I doubt I'll be able to do this, considering the time i have. Anyhow, I'll look into this, thanks

So, hang on... first you decided to do a Java-based project working with Access or Oracle, but now that a friend has "jogged your memory" and reminded you that you can use PHP, you've decided to ditch that idea completely and go for a web based version?

Have you actually drawn up a specification for the hotel management system that you're trying to create? Do you know what features you intend to develop, how the system will work, etc?

A web-based solution is no better or worse than a desktop client, assuming that you have done the groundwork to correctly identify WHY you're choosing a particular solution, the pros and cons, etc.

What kind of experience do you have in all the languages etc. that you've named as part of your course? I'm starting to get the impression that it's not much to be honest...

And phpMyAdmin isn't a database, it's a tool for managing MySQL. If you don't know the difference, you should look up both.

sorry for the sudden change of mind, I'm not ditching the project, I'm still in the phase of making a decision right now.

tbh, I'm pretty clueless myself as to what I'm doing at the moment, i took a week thinking of a project, and this is the only idea I came up with which I think is pretty much do-able
As for pros/cons well, i haven't got into that yet..

Oracle, i have used it once, it was an annoying database to use at first, but i guess i can handle it with this project.
MS Access, not so familiar as I haven't even touched it for years.

As for my skill in programming languages:
I am great at using HTML/CSS and PHP. Created a website with it. php is pretty simple, and easy to understand
Java, not so much, tbh java is one of the worse languages I have ever encountered, I just can't seem to understand much about it.
though, my lecturer says it was designed to be easy to

so, the reason I suggested the web-based is because I have an idea in how I can implement this management system.

the pros would be:
-customers can register and book appointments online
-everything could be accessed online

as opposed to the Java management system, it will be localized, therefore customers will not be able to book appointments unless they reach the hotel.
also, I do not have an idea in how i can implement/(or even) code this in java yet..

hope this explains most the things..

and thanks for your reply.

I'd say:

Oracle <-- if you want it on your CV
PostreSQ, Mysql (or the MariaDB fork) <-- which would be my choice as they are OS
Apache DB <-- for pure convenience (it's a little known database but it is pure Java and can either run embedded or as a stand alone database)

I see, thanks for the info, I'll look into this,
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8 Sep 2009
Thanks for your option, though I doubt I'll be able to do this, considering the time i have.
How much time do you have, why are you so rushed this close to the start of the academic year?

tbh, I'm pretty clueless myself as to what I'm doing at the moment, i took a week thinking of a project, and this is the only idea I came up with which I think is pretty much do-able
As for pros/cons well, i haven't got into that yet..
You need to sit down and have a proper think about this. What is the actual brief for your project? I can't imagine that it's simply to develop something and that's all there is to it; you probably need to produce a good deal of technical documentation as well, which would usually include a section on technology choice - why you chose desktop vs. web, Java vs. C#, MySQL vs. Oracle, etc. For a final year project I'd also expect you to produce a proper specification and design before you start, which means at the very simplest a list of features that you're going to include, with details on what they are, why they're included, and how they'll work.

As for "pretty much do-able", that's a dangerous phrase. Anything is "pretty much do-able" if the specification is compact enough. You're talking about building a hotel management system. At a basic level, you could summarise this as follows:

- room booking by staff (search by date and make booking, not customer-facing)
- check customers in
- check customers out
- print invoice

But if you actually wanted it to be useful, you would say this:

- room booking (both staff and customer-facing, search by date, availability, room type and room rate, place booking, cancel booking, amend booking)
- checking in and checking out (whole party inc. multiple rooms or split)
- printing invoice and amending charges as necessary
- catering; running breakfast and/or room service (adding charges to rooms, notifying kitchen, etc.)
- running housekeeping, including reporting on how many staff are required, which rooms to make up and/or clean out, schedule or rota of staff, adding notes on rooms which weren't completed (eg. DND sign)
- other hotel facilities (concierge service, gym, restaurant, etc.)
- ... and so on, and on, there's simply dozens more features that could be added here.

And that's not even covering topics such as scalability, security, testing, maintenance and updates, many of which will influence or be influenced by the feature list above as well as your choice of technologies.

Oracle, i have used it once, it was an annoying database to use at first, but i guess i can handle it with this project.
When you say "used", do you mean that you've used SQL queries to read/write to an Oracle database that someone else provided for you? Or do you mean that you've installed and configured Oracle yourself? I'm strongly suspecting it's the first of those. Do you appreciate what SQL (the query language) actually is, and how it would be used via Java or PHP to communicate with a database engine (Oracle or otherwise)?

As for my skill in programming languages:
I am great at using HTML/CSS and PHP. Created a website with it. php is pretty simple, and easy to understand
Java, not so much, tbh java is one of the worse languages I have ever encountered, I just can't seem to understand much about it.
I'm not sure what to say here - I can't believe you'd consider using a language you don't really understand for your final year project, especially when you say that you're rushed for time! Ditch the Java idea now.

As to PHP and the web-based solution, if you've got some knowledge there then that's a start - but to be honest I'm not getting the impression that you have a great deal of experience. Have you actually built any web applications before, or are we just talking simple websites? Have you done anything with PHP and web applications as part of your course?

Overall - best of luck! I don't mean to come across as harsh, just want to try and get a better idea of what your goal is and what the best tools will be for you to complete your project!
2 Jan 2007
MSSQL would be my shout (SQL Server Express is still free I believe) if not then Oracle is a close second.

I use both here but definitely prefer MSSQL.
15 Mar 2010
TBH you do not want to be going down the Java route with your experience - thats going to end up in a mess.

and please dont instantly dismiss Access , there is zero need too and to be honest it can provide all you require in your initial brief with substantially less hassle , plus you can easily learn or adapt to the VB framework to get the most from it.
14 Aug 2012
My choice would be Oracle 11g XE.

It's easier to use IMO than MySql or postgres.

You can download it for free from Oracle - it's the developers version (same deal as SQL express).

I find Apex useful for simple admin activities.
8 May 2011
What course are you actually doing?

Surely the idea is to create something tangible and genuinely useful, not just reinvent the wheel ie Hotel systems have been done.. Extensively. What will yours do differently, and how is it an improvement over what is already available?
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