Nice tablet, could maybe be under £200 though as I recently bought a Blackberry Playbook for well under that amount. Disagree with the comment re only being 7" and not 10" though. This is a perfect size for fitting in your jacket pocket unlike the 10.1" tablets.:)
7" is just too close to a phone for me, if I get a tablet I want it to fill a different hole to my smartphone, otherwise it's just an inferior smartphone.
As I've just picked up the Galaxy Note (5" 1280x800) phone I can see why someone would want a 7" (rather than 10+) tablet for portability but still decent useability (and the note costs double this).
You can download it from the Android Market!

This is a fantastic deal and hard to say no to!

You guys should consider the Transformer Prime too!
It's interesting but the 32GB version with built in 3G is only £50 more elsewhere, although they have the 16GB version at the same price as here. This really needs to be sub £200 as it's just too close to the price of the 32GB model.

If you make that picture in the 1st post a little bigger it'll be actual size. ;)
Average tablet imo, single core CPU for 250 quid = nono.

7 inch is too small best to use the 10.1 screen tablets and dual core not single core.

7 inch isn't too small, it's the perfect travelling companion. 10" is too big if you regularly take it out and about. I have a BB Playbook and the size is perfect, and very different to a phone.

Well, the sony tablet goes for £350, that'd be my choice if I was gonna buy a tablet.

Either way, if it's on Honeycomb this is still a solid deal, and it's small enough to actually carry with you so well worth considering.

Really... you would buy a Tegra 2 if you were buying now?
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