FINALLY launched new site - comments, critiques and criticisms please!

2 Nov 2007
Hey All,

You may remember a (long) while, I posted a few threads about a site i was designing (*cough, cough, cough and cough*)

Well, after a lot of redesigns, a lot of code and a lot of time - I have just uploaded the new site. Check it out!

I know there isn't a logo (give me another year or so :D) and that's a big problem, but I would really value any further comments, critiques and criticisms.

I really appreciate your thoughts. Be mean - I can take it!

Cheers (and happy Christmas Eve!)
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I quite like the layout of it, and how it follows a general theme. However, I'd prefer it if when you put your mouse over any part of the navigation at the top, that there'll be some kind of text change effect, whereas at the moment you have to put your mouse specifically over the small text at the bottom of the navigation buttons. Also, when I click on the 'About' tab on the navigation, Firefox throws up this:

"The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
Thank you for your comments.

I agree about the menu. I was just trying to use H3's in the heading links (and to have the whole area as one link i would need <a><h3>... which isnt valid HTML). Guess ill just drop the H3's.

Thanks for spotting the redirect. Im trying to 301 redirect old links to the new ones and am breaking a lot on the way!

Thanks again, ill have a look at the menu now...
Thank you for your comments.

I agree about the menu. I was just trying to use H3's in the heading links (and to have the whole area as one link i would need <a><h3>... which isnt valid HTML). Guess ill just drop the H3's.

Thanks for spotting the redirect. Im trying to 301 redirect old links to the new ones and am breaking a lot on the way!

Thanks again, ill have a look at the menu now...

Anytime :) I used to make a few websites myself, but just as a little hobby.

P.S The 'About' tab is now working.
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Footer menus and links looks a bit bland colour wise to me. Perhaps the main titles of each sections ( the h3's ) could do with being a slightly brighter colour?. Yellow maybe?.
Quite like that! Pretty professional.

Not sure about the diagonal hatching - possibly make it a bit lighter? And I agree that there needs to be more of a text change effect on the header. The one other thing I'd say is that you could make the image slider thing advance a bit slower. Right now it's a little too fast to read comfortably without mousing over it to pause.

To be nitpicky, there's a few typos on the front page as well: "militiary" instead of "military" in the image slider, "it's" instead of "its" in the text below it, and "suppling" instead of "supplying" in the BEARINGS box.
Thank you for all your comments. I really appreciate them. Sorry about the delay in getting back to you - Christmas kinda got in the way.

@Tingle - Ive added the text color change you suggested and fixed the About tab. Thanks

@JimAroo - Thanks

@FabienO - Yes I completely agree. They get lost in some images. Im absolutely terrible with graphic design though so didnt know how to change the images myself. Ill have a look at that link and see if there are some others i can borrow!

@Draeger - Ill experiment. Thank you

@Mattus - I can have a go with the hatching, but again my image editing skills leave something to be desired! I slowed down the slider and added the text change. Thanks for being nitpicky! I really need it. I rushed to get this up before Xmas and have definitely made a fair few spelling mistakes. Im currently trying to find a 'scan my website and show me the spelling errors' website....

@mrbell1984,@Limenote - Thanks

Thanks for all the comments guys. Ive tweaked a few bits since launch and have added a price lists section ( - it works but i was wondering if you think there is anything missing? All i have is some simple pagination...?

Thanks again for all the comments. Hope you had a great Christmas
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