Finally !! New system please !

10 Jun 2003
Just got my stuff out of storage and plugged in my gaming PC for the first time in 6 years, it worked ! My SLI'ed gtx580, 6gb RAM, Rampage 2 and oc'ed i7 940 are still doing the business, NOT.

Time to upgrade but I have been out of the PC world for a number of years and dont really have a clue where to start but trying to catch up quick !!.

Budget is around £2 to 2.5k and i doubt my old twin Dell 24" screens will be up to it so I guess a nice 34" single screen will be on my radar.

Intel preferred and I would guess at a 1070ti or 1080 may be the way to go (bang per buck?)?

Not sure of my building skills these days so maybe OcUK could build it ??

Appreciate the help and advice guys !
Wow, thanks for the quick reply and a brilliant rig. Never had an AMD setup before, is your suggestion based on performance or budget? I can stretch to Nvidia and Intel if I need to ? Homework time !!!
Now thats above and beyond the call of duty :eek: I really appreciate your time and effort , better get the credit card out !!
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