Totally with you. I'm sure it's more of a "skill issue" realistically, I just want to make sure people who see this understand that there exists a vulnerability in humans that this can negatively exploit.I would agree. Something I've found over the years is that when I had to make a purchase decision, I used to suck the life out of any enjoyment of buying even nice things, because I would hyper analyse the best bang per buck. This was mainly because I've had to, rather than wanted to.
As I've got older and our disposable income has become a little more comfortable, I try to make quicker decisions and care less about whether it was the best possible deal because time is money and I want to live life. I used to turn my nose up at spending any amount of money where I knew I could go online and get it cheaper, even when I needed something quickly and it was there in a shop. These days it's about life balance more to me and I tend to make the best decision I realistically can in a reasonable amount of time, then move on. I think when you think about money too much it can mentally drain you.
Yeah because someone posts balanced viewpoint on A, including some criticism that relates to their personal experience, they must be in complete and unimaginably braindead support for B. Come on dudeYou’d could arguably say that the other extreme is just as bad though, people who waste every penny they earn on things they don’t really need - but hey that’s what our entire economic system depends on so it’s all gravy right?

For the record, while I think the extremes on both ends are not great, by faaaaar the larger problem is frivolous spending/lifestyle expansion and debt, and the unhealthy relationship/dependence our culture has with/on it.
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