Finding AS Levels difficult...

im doing AS now :) doing economics and business ,general and psycology i had never done any of these in GCSE but i rearly like the 1st 3 and find them very easy but psycology i think is poo and way to much stuff to remember so i shall be droping that soon :)
I am doing AS this year, got 1A* 5A 3B 1C at GCSE and finding this a lot harder, so hard in fact I started losing motivation a few weeks back, my physics teacher started kicking up a fuss and panicking because he knew I wouldnt get any good grades if I carried on so the motivation was installed back.

I am doing Applied Business (joke, lots of coursework though)
Physics (very hard, even though I got an A* at GCSE)
Applied ICT (LOLZ! just loads of coursework)
Thanks for all the replies guys :)

da_mic_1530: Yes, i am doing a very similar topic. I am doing a rental system database.

I'll have a talk with my teachers at parents evening with my parent. See what they advise etc. :)
Im doing AS as well at the moment : Maths, Computing, Media, Business. I like all of them but media can be so much aggro at times. Im finding it ok, did quite well in my mocks for the exams that aren't modules - got a BB for computing and business(in the mock). Media and Maths c1 module exams should be coming soon.

anyone know when we get January results back?
woodsy2k said:
umm, can you see my email addy in my public profile? if you can, and want too, use that ill get back to you.

Thats strange, it wont let me either. (God forbid i didnt see it in the FAQ) Does anyone know why i might not be able to do this?

PM-ing has never benn enabled. Its a bandwidth thing/server load or something technical.
gam3r said:
Im doing AS as well at the moment : Maths, Computing, Media, Business. I like all of them but media can be so much aggro at times. Im finding it ok, did quite well in my mocks for the exams that aren't modules - got a BB for computing and business(in the mock). Media and Maths c1 module exams should be coming soon.

anyone know when we get January results back?

Getting mine on thursday
Come to think of it i remember hearing my maths teacher waffling on about something on! fingers crossed i come through ok
So far i've found A level Business Studies and ICT to be extremely easy compared to GCSE. I've come out with nearly 100% in each module with the minimum of work outside of school. AS/A2 music however is a completely different story. The step up here from GCSE was unbelieveable, I just about got a C last year in AS when I got an A* at GCSE and worked my ass off. This year i'm predicted AAA but I think AAB/C is more likely.

The best thing you can do is start going to lessons and learn all the new things and catch up on old work in any spare time you have. You really have to do this now as May/June is too late. You should aim to get the best grades you can this year because when it comes to A2 you will really need them. Getting C's and D's up to A's and B's is very, very difficult at A2.
Personally I hated coursework. I much prefer exams. Only just scraped a B in the coursework for AS ICT (got a C overall though). And it's by no coincidence that my two worst maths modules were the ones with coursework.
my teacher says that generally what you get in GCSE should take 2 grades off and thats the level will get in AS

So B in maths = Working at D grade
OzZie said:
Thanks for all the replies guys :)

da_mic_1530: Yes, i am doing a very similar topic. I am doing a rental system database.

I'll have a talk with my teachers at parents evening with my parent. See what they advise etc. :)

you can have my coursework if you want, its a year old and it was a C, so its something to build on, give you a good idea what you need to do?
Just keep at it. The thing with the current system is that you can play it so you can easily get a good grade by retaking lots of times. This is frowned apon by most, but its your exams and your life.
I did Alevel Maths, physics, economics and geography + AS computing. Im far from the conventional idea of clever(got Cs and GCSE) but still managed to get a AABCb at Alevel.
Just try to find a studying style that suits you. Im doing an engineering degree, for me its lots of repetition and copying out of books, memorising techniques and also doing a few questions. I usually use up a few A4 pads (1000+ sheets for a few exams - front and back) when revising. People think ive done LOADS of work but really ive just been copying and creating links.

If it makes you feel better, I never bothered to work for the jan exams. I just took them as practise, and I usually got rubbish grades. But in June I suddenly got lots of motivation and started to work.
Yeah mate that would be fantastic. :)

At the moment we only have one person's work from last year that we all have to share, so this should help when i'm at home etc.

email is ozzie_987[at] :)
If it makes you feel any better i'm in a similar situation as you, though i'm not struggling as such, just find it IMPOSSIBLE to get any form of motivation. I really feel like i'm costing along so do my friends. Hopefully the results from the AS exams in Jan will kick me into action... I hope :)
nah it wont lol, i got 2 A's a few B's n rest C's in my GCSE's , at AS i just arsed about n got 4 C's and a D. Im expected to fail all 3 subjects this year, every1 at college thinks its quite funny
spirit said:
Yes, its hilarious. You are messing up your life. Seriously, start working and start caring ;).

Exactly. You're failing because you just don't care. When you're stuck in a dead-end job because your grades preclude you from getting a better one, you will care. It's easier to start caring now.
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