Finished Oblivion - What is good that's left to do?

Confusion said:
then youve totally missed the point of the game, its nothing like GTA, its got far more depth to it than that.

Yes, i am aware of what this game actually is ;) . I will try to get into it properly again soon, but until then im going to be running from the cops (imperial guards) and performing gallop-by's.
I guess I'll have to give the dark brotherhood and theives guild quests a try then.

Yeah I've done the painting one, very origional. And I'm working my level up so I can do the Daedric shrine missions.
Whats the scare factor of this game?

Been thinking about getting it (even though it'll cripple my computer), but scary games turn me off in a hurry. (not in that way, dirty people... ;)) I remember seeing some skeletons and stuff in some screenshots, they didnt seem like the cuddly type, so whats the deal?
Johanson said:
Yes, i am aware of what this game actually is ;) . I will try to get into it properly again soon, but until then im going to be running from the cops (imperial guards) and performing gallop-by's.

Haha one of my characters turned into that by accident!

I was trying the first thief quest (the trial thing) and she got there first, i tried to steal it off her and she shouted thief! I was backed into a corner by about 6 guardsmen, killed them, went for a wander, found more, killed them, stole ones horse. got to an inn, go toff the horse and was forced to kill it because it then attacked me. I wasnt going to go to jail, all the armour and weapons i owned were stolen off of dead guards! :D
Apart from doing the questlines you've missed, maybe start afresh with a leveling mod like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and some other choice mods if you haven't already. It gives the game a whole new feel imo. :)
Ozzie Dave said:
Apart from doing the questlines you've missed, maybe start afresh with a leveling mod like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and some other choice mods if you haven't already. It gives the game a whole new feel imo. :)

i heard a lot of good things about this mod, is it any good? im looking to actually play through oblivion now as everyother time ive tried the level scaling has just annoyed me no end.
Xink said:
i heard a lot of good things about this mod, is it any good? im looking to actually play through oblivion now as everyother time ive tried the level scaling has just annoyed me no end.

Yes its excellent imo. I wouldn't play the game without it. No more silly level scaling with this mod. It changes quite a bit, leveled lists, loot etc are done by hand by the author in a lot of cases. You don't get ridiculous things like Bandits wearing high end armors, wolves and rats forever scaling with you etc when you gain levels. And you can't beat the Arena at a low level like in Vanilla OB either.

So many things this mod changes that you'd need to read the readme to see ( its a big readme, lol). It works great in conjunction with a level slowdown mod (a few included) because monsters/npcs spawn more and you'd fly through levels otherwise. O3 is also compatible with a lot of other good mods. The only no no is using it with a similiar leveled list mods of course.

Another great thing is some awesome mods like Natural Wildlife (spawns more and varied wildlife) and Combat Behaviour (makes fights more unpredictable etc) comes built in to O3 :)

But you might want to hold off for a week or so as the new version of O3 is due soon and promises a hell of a lot more than the current version. Tons of user made armors etc that have been hand placed into leveled lists and loot containers. And stacks of other awesome tweaks :)
Ozzie Dave said:
Yes its excellent imo. I wouldn't play the game without it. No more silly level scaling with this mod. It changes quite a bit, leveled lists, loot etc are done by hand by the author in a lot of cases. You don't get ridiculous things like Bandits wearing high end armors, wolves and rats forever scaling with you etc when you gain levels. And you can't beat the Arena at a low level like in Vanilla OB either.

So many things this mod changes that you'd need to read the readme to see ( its a big readme, lol). It works great in conjunction with a level slowdown mod (a few included) because monsters/npcs spawn more and you'd fly through levels otherwise. O3 is also compatible with a lot of other good mods. The only no no is using it with a similiar leveled list mods of course.

Another great thing is some awesome mods like Natural Wildlife (spawns more and varied wildlife) and Combat Behaviour (makes fights more unpredictable etc) comes built in to O3 :)

But you might want to hold off for a week or so as the new version of O3 is due soon and promises a hell of a lot more than the current version. Tons of user made armors etc that have been hand placed into leveled lists and loot containers. And stacks of other awesome tweaks :)

ah i see, sounds excellent! i never really got into vanilla ob cuz it always felt so linear with all the scaling, hopefully this will change everything! i look forward to the new release
O3 seems worth a shot. If I use this will I still have to worry about trying to get *3 and higher multipliers etc on each level or can i just choose my primary skills and use them without worrying.
Johanson said:
I just can't get really into this game... i play it more like GTA. But with arrows instead of bullets, and horses instead of cars. Except you can't pick up prostitutes.

.... what u mean u havent found the red light district in the imperial city :p

yeah do the thieves guild most of the missions are really cool especially the ones rite at the end
Grad said:
O3 seems worth a shot. If I use this will I still have to worry about trying to get *3 and higher multipliers etc on each level or can i just choose my primary skills and use them without worrying.

O3 doesn't change anything in that sense. I play the regular way in regards to getting multis but there is a mod that can give you x2/3/4 on your major skills everytime you level. It is compatible with O3 as far as I know...I've currently got 40+ mods going happily along with O3 myself, lol

The good thing is the author is quite concious of making it work with as many mods as possible. He even recommends some other mods with it to get a great gaming experience. Really good ones that fit in with the O3 vision he incorporates into the mod if he can. But there is also a 'lite' version of O3 for those that want more modularity :)
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