Fire at Russian mall.

The propaganda is strong in this one!

It's not propaganda. It's the cold, hard truth.

The occupational safety system in Russia has severely deteriorated in the last 2 decades, with legislators tending to promote the interests of industry and business, resulting in the neglect of occupational safety and violation of workers’ rights. The majority of workers are employed in conditions that do not meet rules of safety and hygiene.

More than 60% of OAs can be attributed to management practices – violation of safety regulations, poor organisation of work, deficiency of certified occupational safety specialists and inadequate personnel training. Research aimed at improving occupational safety and health is underfunded. There is evidence of widespread under-reporting of OAs, including fatal accidents.

Three federal agencies are responsible for OAs recording; their data differ from each other as they use different methodologies. The rate of fatal OAs in Russia was 3–6 times higher than in Scandinavian countries and about 2 times higher compared to United States and Canada in 2001. In some Russian Arctic regions OAs levels are much higher.

...Nowadays, Russian laws and regulations exist to address occupational safety, but unfortunately they are more a declaration of intent and are routinely ignored by employers.


Seems Russia is covering it up (Failing miserably), NDA's and such for seeing the bodies.

Stay classy, Russia!
RIP :(

@antijoke after claiming faux outrage over the fact there wasn't instantly a thread about this incident you seem conspicuously absent from it now there is one
Oh sorry did i give the impression i care about them or it ?

Terribly sorry about that.

You might want to ease up the sarcasm, a guy in The Ship and Whale in Gulliver St. Rotherhithe said something along those lines on Monday evening, and it was only the brave but foolhardy quick reaction of a 55-60 y.o. couple stepping in, that stopped a younger guy from giving him a kicking, after knocking his drink to the floor.

Scores of kids are dead, have a little compassion without drinking too much of the propaganda cool-aid.

Exactly, i’m no shrinking violet, but as a grandfather of four, neither am I insensitive, looking at the photos of little blonde girls, with names like Viktoria, Tatiana, and Veronika who died in that complex, I could feel my face getting hot, then saw the tears splash on the newspaper, sure, Salisbury was a travesty, but did Russian kids or their parents deserve this.?

Seems Russia is covering it up (Failing miserably), NDA's and such for seeing the bodies. Doesn't really matter, when you've lost literally you're entire family, you won't care what the Russian government can do to you... as it's negligence has already done it's worst.

Hopefully this spurs the Russians into a true outcry, with diplomats on the way home with little to do and families completely destroyed, Putin is creating even more enemies than i think he can reasonably deal with.

The blocked exits were perhaps more to do with the teachers wanting to keep the children in control/safe, awkwardly, it's about the only reason they're dead.

Really? Their teachers locked the doors? I have no way of arguing with you, but I find that difficult to believe, there was no mention of it being their fault in the report, it was said that doors were locked to prevent people entering without paying, plus I don’t think that the teachers would have had keys to lock the doors.
It’s simple to say this after the event, but if exits were normally locked to prevent people entering without paying, a system SHOULD have been in place to unlock them in an emergency, but if it’s true that the fire alarm hadn’t worked properly for weeks, then it’s hardly surprising that there was no one around to unlock the doors when the fire started.
it's terrible.. that interview with the guy who just lost all his family and his sister is crazy, talking to them during their last seconds.


RIP to all.
It is somewhat bizarre how some people are laughing at or enjoying this situation purely because it was Russian children who died.

The idea this is normal in Russia is pretty stupid considering it's their first major fire in years, especially as it's less than a year since this country barbecued dozens of people in a tower block accidentally wrapped in napalm...
@Tosno - correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your other half Russian? Just out of curiosity, what's her view of Russia compared to the view we derive from our media here?
Hard when devoid of compassion. I'd go as far as it probably rised a smile.

Alas not even a wry smile, I really couldn't care less. It has zero effect on my life apart from the 5mins reading the news and thinking to mysefl "oh well, whats shall i have for dinner"
@Tosno - correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your other half Russian? Just out of curiosity, what's her view of Russia compared to the view we derive from our media here?

You're right. Health and safety is more lackadaisical compared to the West; strangely trade jobs are considered low value, unskilled and on the same level as bin men. Her eletrican cousin managed to get electrocuted. It's an upside down mentally but everyone wants to be business people with several education's, which is no good when the foundations are lacking.
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Alarm fatigue. It's why burglar alarms are nigh on useless.

So much this.
I remember in halls at uni the alarm going off.
The fire brigade came. There were people watching from the top floor. To be fair it was cold and it was 3am!
Health and safety has negative impacts as the current furore over the fire brigade being held back away from the Manchester concert bombing will testify.

There's been too many stories of the fire brigade not assisting due to rampant `elf `n' safety. For example failing to rescue a boy that drowned, based on no one attending from the service having done the "right course"and even refusing to wade out into an ornamental lake to help someone in trouble, standing by quoting "the book" whilst a member of the public rolls his trouser legs up and wades safely out mocking them.

You'll need a course and a licence to push a wheel barrow soon...

There's a happy medium, and the USA and Europe has tended to push well beyond what is reasonable, erring too much on health and safety, to detriment of industry and freedom of choice. I see Austria has knocked no smoking in bars on the head.
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So much this.
I remember in halls at uni the alarm going off.
The fire brigade came. There were people watching from the top floor. To be fair it was cold and it was 3am!

Not to mention many would have thought it was hallucinatory effects from whatever they had taken earlier ;)
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