Fireman Sam the Islamaphobe.

5 Jun 2010
Cartoons, serious business.

In episode seven, series nine of the popular children’s animation, a character carrying a tray of hot drinks slips after tripping on some paper on the floor of the fire station. Several sheets fly into the air, one of which looks to be covered with Arabic script. HIT Entertainment, which produced the show, apologised “unreservedly” to viewers.

The company, which produces brands including Bob the Builder, Pingu and Thomas the Tank Engine, added that it had cut ties with the animation studio, which they blamed for the mistake.

A spokesperson said: “It has been bought to our attention that in an episode of Fireman Sam (Series 9, Episode 7), an image of the Qur’an is briefly depicted. The page was intended to show illegible text and we deeply regret this error. We sincerely apologise for any distress or offence it may have caused.

“We will no longer be working with the animation studio responsible for this mistake. In addition, we are taking immediate action to remove this episode from circulation and we are reviewing our content production procedures to ensure this never happens again. Again, we apologise unreservedly to our viewers.”
8 Apr 2009
I fail to see how that was put in by accident - it was done as joke (at best) and whoever did should have considered that it wasn't going to be well received.

There is questioning religion (I believe this is healthy to do) and there is seeking to provoke. I think this is the latter.

Now does that mean someone should be offended by this - probably not tbh it's slightly worrying if you are - but why provoke anyway unless you want to illicit a response.
13 May 2003
This has got to be a wind up surely. Is that image real? Is the image actually of the Koran? The World is an extremely strange place these days.

Still the grievance industry is a growth industry and employs a lot of otherwise unemployable people.
2 Jan 2007
From what I heard on the news last night, the animation is outsourced to China.

Took some eagle eyes to spot what is at most a frame in the animation. It as if someone is looking for offense....
5 Dec 2006
I fail to see how that was put in by accident - it was done as joke (at best) and whoever did should have considered that it wasn't going to be well received.

There is questioning religion (I believe this is healthy to do) and there is seeking to provoke. I think this is the latter.

Now does that mean someone should be offended by this - probably not tbh it's slightly worrying if you are - but why provoke anyway unless you want to illicit a response.

You are absolutely correct. The assets used in any production should really be tagged. I don't see how a page of a Quran has made it's way as a texture in a cell shaded animated children's cartoon.

This was clearly not an accident. And it also bring about licensing issues, is this production company using unlicensed images of Google images? Did someone pay for the use of this image?

But what's with all the posts about people being offended. I don't see any mention in the article that anyone has been offended. But this is actually a good point because everyone already knows Muslims get offended at the slightest thing! Yet someone has done this on purpose!
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1 May 2013
This has got to be a wind up surely. Is that image real? Is the image actually of the Koran? The World is an extremely strange place these days.

Still the grievance industry is a growth industry and employs a lot of otherwise unemployable people.

I thought that.

How come that section has not been enlarged to verify the accusation?

Where are the mad CSI-esque skills, come on, ENHANCE.

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