Dam, I've been busted
I just like new hardware!
I wouldn't expect you to have noticed but every GPU launch I've always got one, heck I've had 5 different 980 Ti's! I've had 2 different 780 Tis, one I bought about a year ago iirc? for £20 sold as not tested, guess what. It worked and sold it for £100
I've had a 1080 Ti and now Titan. I just rarely touch the cpu. Last one I had was a 4690k and the one before that was the trust i5-750
I'd love to go AMD route as well although looking at the games benchmarks Intel are always ahead though I do game at 4k so.... but then again when 4k 120/144hz is more affordable I'll probably jump on that which would need a beefy cpu to keep the frames up there