Fireworks have started

1 Nov 2004
Don't know about anyone else but my part of London has had people letting off fireworks every night for the last week or so , seemingly no shortage of importing them.
Heard the first few home style ones up here in Stoke last night, followed a few minutes later by what I'm guessing was a single "industrial" type one which was just a bright white flash with a single extremely loud boom (far louder than "home" fireworks).
About time these things are banned, they are completely unnecessary. The Scottish government have consulted on it and are planning on tightening things up but can’t see it happening. It’s stupid you can buy these things in Lidl.

And, the football fans now set them off during the day when their team wins?!
What about balloons? Can we also put them in a unnecessary category?

Id certainly ban those mass balloon releases that people have as a ‘memorial’, or any other reason.
However, balloons generally aren’t launched towards people/emergency services. They don’t make huge noises, frightening and annoying people and animals. Balloons don’t start fires or scorch the earth either. But, I’d certainly ban the aforementioned mass releases due to the litter problem.
Not exciting if you have Hyperacusis, Misophonia, bad nerves or if you have many pets :p

I'd settle for a ban on fireworks outside of +/- 3 days of Guy Fawkes Night and +/- 3 days from Diwali and on New Years Eve... But all bleeding year round is not on.
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