First bike finally!

Went for a test ride on a a white street triple Saturday morning and instantly fell in love, first time back on a bike since my off in April... I was tempted to put a deposit down on the bike there and then but thought better of it and need to look at what it will cost to maintain the bike and how it will handle the winter riding as I have heard shocking reports of them just falling apart in bad weather. I am also loath to hurt it with winter riding as it is too nice.

Very jealous of you getting one :( Maybe in a few years when I can afford a second bike.

First I've heard about the falling apart part. Hope that's a slight over exaggeration!
If you use them all year round then they need a lot of TLC, but then what bike doesnt. I just couldn't bring myself to do that to one
Well well well boys and girls the bike is in the garage a day early thanks to the garage ringing me to tell me it's ready and offered to deliver today!

Off for a very steady ride tonight with a friend.

Don't bother going out if it rains, it's not worth it as the road will be slippery as hell the dry spell we've had.
Congrats! Amazing bikes - rode mine all through 2 winters and not a scratch. Enjoy it - it does not get much better than that triple engine. In fact I challenge you to go on a few test rides of any other bike in its class and not come away with a grin when you mount the streety again.
Was a perfect night last night for a ride. Did 50 miles just to ease myself in and it felt great. What a machine. So comfortable and easy to ride!
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