First build, advice needed.

17 Aug 2019
I'm going to buy my first gaming pc in about a month and I already made a part list but I'm not sure if I chose some wrong part or if some part won't work well together.

part list:

Ryzen 2700x

Gigabyte RTX 2070 8G


corsair DDR4 2x 8GB 3000

Samsung 860 QVO 1TB SSD

corsair RM750x PSU

Cooler master masterbox MB520


monitor: AOC C24G1

keyboard: Logitech G213

any advice is appreciated.
Thank you for all this information!
I live in the Netherlands and I'm getting the part from webshop here, idk if the prices here are high or low but I'm guessing it's allright.
I think if I get a cheaper motherboard and put the money somewhere else in the build it'll be more useful. But I'm only a mere beginner and you seem to know a lot more about this than me.
My budget is around €1400, unless it's way more useful to wait for a bigger budget I'd like to buy a pc for that price.
I'm a bit confused on the graphics card part because there are a lot of brands and some with 3 fan and some with 2 and I just don't know which one will fit my budget and build.
Thanks again and I hope you can help me further.
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