First Build*: Ghost

4.2 @ 1.12v - is that P95 stable? Mine crashes if I leave Vcore auto and even try 4.0! :(

I honestly couldn't tell you to be honest.

I've since disabled the OC Genie and gone back to stock clocks. Going to have a proper read up on overclocking and have a go manually. Stress test under full load with the H100i at max, and see what results I get.
Good job. Great looking build.

Thanks a lot!

my mate has the same board as you and as far as looks go its fantastic but i really didnt like its overclocking features.

It's a great board, I haven't delved into the overclocking features yet but it'll be my first time ever so I can't really compare, hehe!

Looking good, love the ball mouse, hated using them though.

Thanks a lot! The mouse will do for now, but like you, I really don't like using them.

That mouse, I lol'ed

Tell me about it! It's a good job I still have it though otherwise I'd be mouseless!

What fan set-up do you have?

I've got 1x front intake, 2x top exhaust, 1x back exhaust. Not sure if that's the ideal set-up tbh!

Same as you actually. One front intake, two top exhaust and one rear exhaust. I'll be adding another to the front once I've got the money, just for that extra bit of air flow. It seems like a good set up to me, inside the machine seems pretty cool, and with the roof fans on quiet mode RealTempGT reported as cool as 22C on the i5 this morning. (Not under load of course).
My, my, it's been a while. So I've been running the machine for a while now. And I've finally sorted myself a graphics card, hooray! I found an MSI GTX 460 Hawk, which will do just nicely as I'm not into heavy gaming, but it was an affordable price for a relatively decent piece of kit. I am currently waiting for it to be delivered, and I will add pictures as soon as it arrives.


- Anthony.
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